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Timothy O'Malley

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  • Behold Believe Become


    Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of Eucharistic worship with Behold, Believe, Become–where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the Mass becomes a soul-saving, life-changing encounter with Christ, our Eucharistic Lord.

    In Behold, Believe, Become, Timothy P. O’Malley, a distinguished leader in the Eucharistic Revival movement and bestselling author of Becoming Eucharistic People and Real Presence, shows you how to see differently–through newly formed habits of contemplation–fifteen ordinary, physical things that the Church uses at Mass to point us toward Christ. You will explore layers of meaning found in noble doors and stained-glass windows, sunlight and water, oil and fire, altars and church pews, and bread and wine become Body and Blood. O’Malley helps you see how each element tells us something about who Christ is and who we are to become as Christian people.

    Inspired by the towering genius of the twentieth-century liturgical movement, Fr. Romano Guardini (1865-1968), O’Malley offers an unconventional walk through the Mass, highlighting that “matter matters.” This book doesn’t delve into the intricate history of Eucharistic Prayers or the doctrinal meaning of various words and actions. Instead, it provides a unique exploration of the material stuff of the Mass that we encounter from the time we enter the church until the time we depart at the end.

    Whether you’re seeking personal growth or exploring this journey with a small group, Behold, Believe, Become is the perfect companion, providing brief online videos featuring Rachel and Jason Bulman of “Meet the Bulmans” and chapter-ending reflection questions to help connect your everyday life to the celebration of Mass. And for those craving a communal experience, a small-group leader’s guide and parish planning kit make this an invaluable resource for parishes, schools, and other Catholic communities.

    Are you ready to witness the Mass in a new light? Behold, Believe, Become is your key to unlocking a richer, more meaningful Eucharistic experience.

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  • Presencia Real – (Spanish)


    Que significa consumir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo en la Misa? Es la Eucaristia solo un simbolo? Esta Cristo presente de la misma manera que lo estuvo con los discipulos en el aposento alto?

    Si no estas seguro de como responder a estas preguntas sobre este misterio central de nuestra fe, no estas solo; la mayoria de los catolicos no saben como responder. En Presencia real, el teologo de la Universidad de Notre Dame, Timothy P. O’Malley, aclara la confusion al explicar los origenes biblicos y la larga tradicion de las doctrinas de la Iglesia sobre la presencia real y la transubstanciacion. Tambien explora las practicas espirituales necesarias para formarnos para reconocer a Cristo en la Eucaristia y ver al Seor en los demas.


    como la doctrina de la presencia real tiene sus raices en la revelacion divina y como la enseanza de la Iglesia sobre la transubstanciacion es espiritualmente fructifera para los creyentes de hoy;

    *como adorar a Cristo en la Eucaristia y hacer un verdadero asentimiento a la presencia real;

    *como la Eucaristia es crucial para hacer crecer nuestra capacidad de reconocer a Cristo en
    *la Palabra y en los demas; y

    *la importante relacion entre la comunion eucaristica y la adoracion

    Most Catholics don’t believe that Jesus is really present in the Eucharist. Rather, they see the bread and wine of Holy Communion as mere symbols of Christ’s body and blood. Is that disbelief just a misunderstanding or is it a blatant rejection of one of the central beliefs of the faith?

    In Real Presence, University of Notre Dame theologian Timothy P. O’Malley clears up the confusion and shows you how to learn to love God and neighbor through a deeper understanding of the doctrine of real presence.

    A 2019 study by the Pew Research Center found that almost seventy percent of Catholics don’t believe that Jesus is really present in the Eucharist.

    O’Malley offers a concise introduction to Catholic teaching on real presence and transubstantiation through a biblical, theological, and spiritual account of these doctrines from the early Church to today. He also explores how real presence enables us to see the vulnerability of human life and the dignity of all flesh and blood.

    O’Malley leads you to a deeper understanding and renewed faith in Catholic teaching about transubstantiation and real presence by helping you learn:

    *how the doctrine of real presence is rooted in divine revelation and how the Church’s teaching r

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  • At The Heart Of The Liturgy


    From 1991 to 2012, Nathan D. Mitchell was the author of the “Amen Corner” that appeared at the end of each issue of Worship. Readers of Worship grew accustomed to Nathan’s columns as invitations to rethink the practice of Christian worship through a liturgical theology that was interdisciplinary, aesthetic, and attentive to history. With the soul of a poet, Nathan was always on the lookout for the turn of phrase, the image, stanza, or metaphor from other classic wordsmiths that could capture the liturgical insight he wanted to explore.For the first time, this volume assembles some of the most important of these columns around the themes of body, Word, Spirit, beauty, justice, and unity. In addition, Nathan’s former students offer substantive commentary through essays that invite the reader to consider how the themes raised by Nathan might develop in the coming years.This collection is a must-read both for those who admired Nathan’s contribution to liturgical studies and for a newer generation of scholars seeking to discern the frontiers of liturgical theology.Nathan D. Mitchell is an emeritus professor of liturgy in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame.  In 1998, Mitchell was presented with the Berakah Award from the North American Academy of Liturgy for his contribution to the field. His many publications include the following books: Cult and Controversy; Eucharist as a Sacrament of Initiation; Liturgy and the Social Sciences; Real Presence: The Work of Eucharist; and, more recently, Meeting Mystery and The Mystery of the Rosary: Marian Devotion and the Reinvention of Catholicism.

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