Showing 1351–1400 of 3611 resultsSorted by latest
Table Manners : Liturgical Leadership For The Mission Of The Church
$35.99Add to cartThere is a growing (if not urgent) need for those being trained for ordained (and lay) ministry to be provided with a more solid grounding in liturgical principles, and Simon Reynolds seeks to address this by demonstrating how good liturgical leadership can be the foundation from which all other theological, historical, pastoral and missiological issues arise.
Table Manners attempts to avoid being a ‘party’ book and will consciously avoid issues of churchmanship (except in pointing to what is positive in the various Christian traditions). Rather, it is written from the conviction that (i) a proper understanding of the Eucharist, and a theologically-informed approach to celebrating it (even if this manifests itself in many different styles), should mean that worshippers can go to churches of an unfamiliar tradition and yet still be caught up in the action, because what is essential and enlarging about good liturgical celebration would be recognisable; and (ii) that the success of presidency also demands the liturgical education of the whole people of God, because until they know what to ask for, their expectations will remain constrained.
Decline And Fall Of The Catholic Church In America
$24.95Add to cartThe Roots of the Crisis That’s Rocked the Pulpits and Emptied the Pews Many Catholics blame Vatican II for the decline of the Church in America these past 30 years: traditionalists say it caused too many changes, liberals say too few.
In this groundbreaking book, sociologist David Carlin shows that although Vatican II was the flashpoint for change in the Church, the roots of today’s crisis go deeper than anything that happened at the Council.
Basing his conclusions on sociological analysis rather than on theology or Church teachings, Carlin shows that in the 1960’s the Church in America was weakened by the triumph of tolerance as an American virtue (which led Catholics to downplay their uniquely Catholic beliefs for the sake of unity) and then was battered by a culture that, seemingly overnight, had become boldly secularist and even libertine.
Called by Vatican II to engage the culture in order to evangelize it, while pressed by the culture to downplay its Catholicity in the name of tolerance, the Church in America lost its way.
The result? A widespread loss of Catholic identity; weakening of fidelity to Church teachings; Catholics abandoning their faith; and a diminishment of the Church’s role as a moral voice in American society.
Carlin’s analysis has uncovered a problem that’s older and even more dangerous for the future of Catholicism than the deeds that have lately thrust the Church onto the front pages. Indeed, says Carlin, the scandals are merely symptoms of this deeper problem that will continue to drain the Church’s vitality long after the scandals are forgotten.
The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America: essential reading for all who seek to understand the decline of their beloved Church and who hope to devise effective ways to restore her.
Living The Good Life
$24.95Add to cartLiving the Good Life presents a brief introduction to virtue and vice, self-control and weakness, misery and happiness. The book contrasts the thought of Aquinas with popular views, such as moral relativism, values clarification, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, and situation ethics. Following the Socratic dictum “know thyself,” Steven J. Jensen investigates the interior workings of the human mind, revealing the interplay of reason, will, and emotions. According to Aquinas, in a healthy ethical life, reason guides the emotions and will to the true human good. In an unhealthy life, emotional impulses distort the vision of reason, entrapping one in futile pursuits. In the human struggle to gain self-mastery, a person must overcome the capricious desires that enslave him to false goods.
Jensen ably guides readers through Aquinas’s philosophy and explains the distinction between the moral and intellectual virtues. The moral virtues train our various desires toward the true good, helping us discard our misguided cravings and teaching us to enjoy what is truly worth pursuing. The virtue of justice directs our hearts to the good of others, freeing us from egoism in order to seek a good shared with others. The intellectual virtues train the mind toward the truth, so that we can find fulfillment in human understanding. Most important, the virtue of prudence directs our deliberations to discover the true path of
life.Intended as a text for students, beginners of philosophy will gain access to a key aspect of Aquinas’s thought, namely, that true happiness is realized not in the animal life of passion and greed but only in the reasonable pursuit of human goods, in which we find true peace and rest from the distractions of this world.
Sacred Conversation : The Art Of Catholic Preaching And The New Evangelizat
$14.95Add to cartAre you starving for inspiring homilies? Did you know that poor preaching is one of the top three reasons people leave the Church? And that it’s the reason many Catholics don t come to Mass? There is a preaching problem in the Catholic Church-a serious problem. Parishioners know it, priests know it, and bishops know it. It’s an old story that just doesn’t seem to change…until now! The Sacred Conversation skillfully answers the question on many catholic minds: Why can’t priests preach? Father Joseph Mele gives a first-rate analysis of and a resolution to what it will take to form priests who can preach effectively to the Church today. Catholic homilies are not Protestant sermons. Learn the difference and become a fruitful homilist! Includes a Foreword by Cardinal Donald Wuerl.
Reading The Saints
$29.95Add to cartBiblio Resource Publications Inc
This valuable workbook for Catholic home educators, classroom teachers, and collectors of Catholic juvenile books will help you discover living books from such popular out-of-print Catholic juvenile series as Catholic Treasury, Vision, and American Background as well as current series books for young Catholics. Use this book to find 1) More than 1,250 Catholic books listed by author, series, reading level, century, and geographical location; 2) Almost 300 different authors of saint biographies, historical fiction, and poetry written for Catholic juvenile readers; 3) Hundreds of age-appropriate, living books to enrich your study of the Catholic Church’s rich heritage of saints and notable Catholic historical figures; 4) Publishers of Catholic children’s books, past and present; 5) Helpful advice for collecting and caring for used books; 6) Information on how to build and maintain your own library of Catholic juvenile books; 7) Inspiring quotations about book collecting, reading, and the love of books; and, 8) The latest in Catholic saint biographies as updated in this 2013 Second Edition.
If you love books and the Catholic Faith, you will love this essential resource! -
Preaching The Scriptures Of The Masses Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
$24.95Add to cartThe collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary offers more than 135 Scripture passages through which the faithful might deepen their devotion to Mary. While some texts are very familiar, others are not as well known to contemporary Catholics. In Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father David Brown examines each of the texts in detail, offering valuable insights for homily preparation.
Brown’s reflections address themes like Mary’s role in the new creation. His insights into both familiar and lesser known texts provide a unique context for understanding. How does Luke’s account of the annunciation draw on other key scriptural passages? When Esther prays to God “for I am taking my life in my hand,” what is she saying, and why was the text selected for the feast, of Holy Mary, Queen and Mother of Mercy? When passages from Isaiah or Ezekiel appear in the liturgy of a particular Marian feast, what dimension do these prophetic texts add to our vision of Mary? This enlightening resource will animate fresh and engaging preaching and inspire all who wish to know more about honoring the Blessed Mother.
Psalms 73-150 : New Collegeville Bible Commentary
$14.95Add to cartThe book of Psalms plays a significant role in the public and private prayer of both the Jewish and Christian communities today, helping to shape the minds and hearts of modern believers.
In two commentaries, one covering Psalms 1-72 and the other Psalms 73-150, Dianne Bergant examines the theological and historical circumstances from which the psalms originated. She reveals how the psalms were intended for instruction as well as prayer, and helps us experience their lyrical nature. In a fresh encounter with these poems of lament, hymns of praise, and prayers of thanksgiving, readers gain a new appreciation for these ancient texts, remembering that God-who dwells with us still-is “gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in mercy” (Pss 145:8; 103:8).
Gift : Discovering The Holy Spirit In Catholic Tradition
$15.99Add to cartWho is the Holy Spirit? What role does the Spirit play in the life of the Church and of the individual Christian? Beginning with the belief in the Holy Spirit as a Person of God, and not just a “force,” this book reveals the Catholic understanding of the presence and influence of the Spirit God in every aspect of the Christian life. The book focuses on the unique aspects and development of Catholic devotion to the Holy Spirit from antiquity to the present, culminating in a look at Catholic theology of the Holy Spirit today and the new and exciting ways the Spirit is working among Catholics and all Christians in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Discernment Of Spirits Readers Guide An Ignatian Guide For Everyday Living
$12.95Add to cartThis handy, easy-to-use workbook is chock full of probing questions, real-life stories, and practical tips on how to apply the profound spiritual insights from the Ignatian tradition of patient, prayerful self-examination. Acclaimed interpreter of Saint Ignatius, author Father Gallagher provides clear explanations of the centuries-old Jesuit method of discerning God’s will in one’s life-and avoiding evil. A practical guide and journaling tool, it includes ample space on every page for notes, reflections, and journaling, all to help readers track their progress toward a closer, more loving union with God.
Padre Pio
$9.99Add to cartBlessed Padre Pio, humble peasant and world-famous stigmatist, spoke simple words of Christian encouragement and inspiration to all who approached him seeking counsel. This biographical sketch and collection of memorable sayings is a compact and accessible introduction to the life and message of one of the great religious figures of the 20th century.
Joseph : The Man Who Raised Jesus
$18.99Add to cartWho was St. Joseph? Was he just a passive, incidental figure in the drama of salvation? On the contrary, in every way that Jesus needed a father, St. Joseph was that for him. And how overwhelming it must have been for Joseph to be asked to stand in the Father’s place! No man has ever been asked to do so in such an unthinkable way. Every priest, and certainly every man who is a father (biologically or otherwise), should take this to heart.
Caster’s book will provide a unique, in-depth presentation of Joseph from the perspective of the evangelical counsels and the theological and cardinal virtues. Each section will begin with an explanation of what each counsel or virtue means and then show how Joseph models it for us.
The descriptions of St. Joseph’s life and character found in this book, while rooted in the Scripture passages that mention him, are chiefly inspired by Jesus, who spent the majority of his life at home with Joseph and Mary. For years, the three of them lived, prayed, celebrated, studied, and shared, all the while uniting their lives more intimately with God’s own. Those years in Nazareth were a real preparation for the foundation upon which Jesus would build his saving ministry. And as much as Joseph and Mary offered Jesus, he offered them an ever-expanding awareness of the God that had changed both their lives. The reciprocity of love that perfectly defines the home in Nazareth is the very pattern for all family life-and therefore of the Church itself.
Let Fr. Gary Caster introduce you to the man who risked everything to care for Mary and her Son, safeguarding them from harm and cherishing them with a pure and true love. Joseph was a flesh-and-blood testimony of what it means to live according to the Father’s will with one’s mind and heart centered on Christ.
Redemption : Twelve Readings From The Monks Of Estillyen
$17.95Add to cartPort Estillyen Productions
REDEMPTION is a companion book to The Point: The Redemption of Oban Ironbout. The work is set on the metaphorical Isle of Estillyen, where creative monks stage dramatic readings of biblical stories. In The Point, the readings were presented in synopsis form. Now readers can delve into the twelve Scripture narratives as they were originally given by the monks of Estillyen. Richly inspiring, this unique volume promises to draw readers closer to the theme of redemption-and to the Redeemer himself. The story beckons. Life it gives. Redemption it offers. -
Rule Of Saint Basil In Latin And English Revised Critical Edition
$49.95Add to cartBasil of Caesarea (AD 329-78), called “the Great” by later generations, was one of the fourth century’s greatest theologians and pastors. His influence on the foundation of monastic life was enormous.
As he toured the early ascetic communities, members would ask Basil about various aspects of living the Gospel life. Their questions and Basil’s replies were taken down by tachygraphers and eventually became the Small Asketikon, first published in 366. The Regula Basilii is a Latin translation of this work, done by Rufinus of Aquileia in 397. It is one of the major sources of the Rule of Saint Benedict, and Benedict recommends it to zealous monks, calling it “the rule of our holy father Basil.”
This volume represents a new Latin edition, translated and annotated in English by Anna M. Silvas. It is based on the Latin text Basili Regula-A Rufino Latine Versa from Klaus Zelzer: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastricoum Latinorum, Vol. 86. It also includes three extra questions and answers that survive only in the Syriac translation. Silvas balances masterfully between the rigors of academic research and the interests of an intelligent, non-specialist readership. This volume promises to become an indispensable resource in understanding both the history and the spirituality of monastic life.
When The Gospel Grows Feet
$34.95Add to cartThe Salvadoran priest Rutilio Grande, SJ, was killed in a hail of bullets on March 12, 1977, along with two passengers in the car he drove. The impact of this killing transformed his friend and archbishop, Oscar Romero, as well as the church in Latin America and throughout the world.
How could powerful forces within the overwhelmingly Catholic country of El Salvador execute a Roman Catholic priest and two innocent people in broad daylight in front of witnesses? Why would this same government go to the extreme of murdering thousands of lay Catholic ministers, dozens of priests, and even the nation’s archbishop? Why would the government, and the oligarchy that supported it, believe it necessary to repress the church in such a brutal manner?
Secular Music And Sacred Theology
$24.95Add to cartWhen the basic conceptions of the world held by whole generations in the West are formed by popular culture, and in particular by the music that serves as its soundtrack, can theology remain unchanged? The authors of the essays in this important volume insist that the answer is no.
These gifted theologians help readers make sense of what happens to religious experience in a world heavily influenced by popular media culture, a world in which songs, musicians, and celebrities influence our individual and collective imaginations about how we might live. Readers will consider the theological relationship between music and the creative process, investigate ways that music helps create communities of heightened moral consciousness, and explore the theological significance of songs.
Contributors to this fascinating collection include:
*David Dault
*Maeve Heaney
*Daniel White Hodge
*Michael J. Iafrate
*Jeffrey F. Keuss
*Mary McDonough
*Gina Messina-Dysert
*Christian Scharen
*Myles Werntz -
Everyday Catholics Guide To The Liturgy Of The Hours
$16.99Add to cartYou don’t live in a cloister or a monastery, but you take your prayer life seriously and want to explore ways to pray regularly and better. The Liturgy of the Hours is one of those ways-but for those of us who find it a little intimidating, Daria Sockey provides a solid overview to this ancient prayer practice. The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours will answer questions like: What is the history of the Liturgy of the Hours? How can the Liturgy of the Hours fit into a busy schedule? Why is the Liturgy of the Hours relevant today? Print or online resources: Which is better? There is a rhythm of prayer, not just throughout the day, but throughout the year. Sockey explores the spiritual riches of the seasons, the saints, and special feast days, which add depth and variety to prayer. She also addresses the practice of praying the Scriptures, especially the psalms, and helps the reader to appreciate the universal beauty of these ancient prayers. Don’t let concerns about “what page am I supposed to be on?” scare you away. Sockey will be your guide to answer common questions and overcome common fears. Your prayer life will never be the same!
Liturgical Sense : The Logic Of Rite
$21.95Add to cart* A premier Anglican liturgical theologian reviews the history of the liturgical movement
in North America and anticipates next steps in liturgical “sensibility”Louis Weil looks back on his work shaping the liturgical life of the Episcopal Church
through his involvement with the development of The 1979 Book of Common Prayer-
and looks forward to the future of the church and its liturgical life. Through stories and
first-person anecdotes, Weil does “narrative theology” as only he can.Although most points of reference are to the 1979 BCP, the book is aiming at a more
fundamental level-not just Episcopal or even Anglican liturgy, but liturgical rites as
such: how do they “do what they do”?-or NOT do when they are done badly! “Liturgical
Sense” is two dimensional: both the “common sense” of liturgical rites and also their
“aesthetic sense.”It is Dr. Weil’s contention that in American culture we have an inherent inability to “think
symbolically.” Dr. Weil seeks to encourage a return to “liturgical sense” across the church. -
Liturgy As A Way Of Life
$26.00Add to cartHow do the arts inform and cultivate our service to God? In this addition to an award-winning series, distinguished philosopher Bruce Ellis Benson rethinks what it means to be artistic. Rather than viewing art as practiced by the few, he recovers the ancient Christian idea of presenting ourselves to God as works of art, reenvisioning art as the very core of our being: God calls us to improvise as living works of art. Benson also examines the nature of liturgy and connects art and liturgy in a new way. This book will appeal to philosophy, worship/liturgy, art, music, and theology students as well as readers interested in engaging issues of worship and aesthetics in a postmodern context, including Christian artists and worship leaders.
Home Heaven And Hitlers Hell
$27.99Add to cartIn spite of all the stories about Germany during Hitler’s heyday, virtually nothing has been written about the 105 Marian Apparitions that occurred from 1937 – 1940. The sightings happened in Heede, a village close to the Dutch border and less than twenty miles from the birthplace of author Hans Rolfes. Totally unexpected, not unlike what took place in Lourdes, the sightings were seen by four local girls. This raised the ire in Berlin to such an extent that the girls, then 11 to 13, were placed in a mental institution and a hospital for ten weeks. Hitler’s obsessive interest was the industrial behemoth Krupp and its nearby firing range, where the “Big Bertha” rattled dishes in the author’s home as it threw one-ton shells airborne. The events in Heede, so good, so pure, so hard-to-explain had no value for him. Today he and his ilk are gone, but tens of thousands of Christians flock annually to the area. The veil of silence surrounding Heede was lifted only recently, with its official recognition as a Marian Prayer Site. Many more events are described, including the author’s unbelievable experience when he and other boys investigated an Allied bomb that suddenly, precipitously, exploded…. Hans G. Rolfes is a retired professional engineer who lives in Westchester, N.Y. He was a senior consultant for General Foods for a quarter century-the basis for his book, General Foods, America’s Premier Food Company. He has visited and studied at the apparition site in Heede, Germany, many times.
Saint Francis Of Assisi
$18.99Add to cartSt. Francis of Assisi is one of the best-known and best-loved of all the saints. This classic work puts the him in the context of his historical setting and his spiritual influences. Inspired by a deep and simple love, Francis abandoned his fortune and chose to live simply. His love for Jesus Christ, his love for animals, and his love for nature continue to inspire many to this day.
This version has been redesigned for a modern audience who wish to continue to connect to this simple man of Assisi.
Point : The Redemption Of Oban Ironbout
$17.95Add to cartPort Estillyen Productions
SEARCHING for peace and inspiration, Hollie and Goodwin Macbreeze travel to the Isle of Estillyen-a distant harbor known for bringing ancient words of worth to the present. Their lives become unexpectedly and inseparably intertwined with the reclusive Oban Ironbout-and a mystery from the past that will transform them all. It is a tale of pain…and redemption. “In his breakout novel of spiritual revelation, William E. Jefferson invites readers on a journey of discovery where ‘joy and meaning break through pain.’ The author’s writing is skilled, poetic, and reminiscent of the classical period. This is a book to savor, not to gulp. -
Cada Dia Es Un Don – (Spanish)
$10.95Add to cartWith Cada Dia es un Don Catholic Book Publishing presents a Spanish edition of the popular daily devotional Every Day Is a Gift. Each of the daily meditations in Cada Dia es un Don features a text from Sacred Scripture, a quotation from the writings of a saint, and a meaningful prayer. An introduction by Rev. Frederick Schroeder tells of the power of prayer. Cada Dia es un Don from Catholic Book Publishing is attractively illustrated and printed in two colors and includes a handy ribbon marker to assist in keeping one’s place. Contiene meditaciones para cada d
Sermon On The Mount
$19.95Add to cartSaint Augustine once described the Sermon on the Mount as “the perfect measure of the Christian life.” Taking his cue from Augustine, Frank Matera provides an exposition of the sermon for contemporary readers who wish to use the sermon as the standard by which they live their lives every day.
Matera shows how the Sermon on the Mount summons believers to single-minded devotion and wholehearted service to God. He unfolds the historical and theological background to the sermon. He explores the meaning of the individual Beatitudes, which articulate Jesus’ call for a more abundant righteousness, piety without hypocrisy, and the need to become “doers” of the Word.
This lively and engaging commentary is an ideal resource for adult education and Bible study groups. It is also ideal for all who want to live their discipleship more fully.
Celebrating The Rites Of Initiation
$30.95Add to cartCelebrating Series Celebrating the Rites of Initiation continues the standard of scholarship set by Patrick Malloy’s Celebrating the Eucharist, and offers similar aids around issues of baptism and confirmation. It is an ideal book for students and practicing clergy who seek to strengthen their knowledge-and parochial practice-of baptismal theology.
Liturgy Explained : New Edition (Revised)
$12.95Add to cartThis completely new work replaces the best-selling but woefully outdated Morehouse classic by the same name. This fresh work explains the liturgy in all its aspects for the uninitiated and is written by a respected liturgics scholar in the Episcopal Church.
Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year C 2
$42.00Add to cartBased on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year C, Volume 2 is an invaluable aid that provides liturgical pieces needed in preparing for worship each week. Written and compiled by a team of eleven ecumenical and seasoned liturgy writers under the creative leadership of Kimberly Bracken Long, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.
During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.
Smoke Of Satan In The Temple Of God
$31.49Add to cartTaking as his point of departure Pope Paul VI’s observation that seven years following the close of the Second Vatican Council conditions in the Church were such that it was as if “the Smoke of Satan has entered the Temple of God,” the author recounts how it was that the misimplementation of the council’s documents resulted in the emergence of what Henri De Lubac termed “a different Church from that of Jesus Christ,” all under the guide of updating (aggiornamento) and renewal. Pope Paul was of the mind that by 1972 the greatest need in the Church was to be defended against the adversary power of darkness, the Devil. For the Pope the unmistakable signs of the Evil One’s penetration of the Church were a vast undermining of Catholic moral teaching (particularly sexual morality), the ideological seduction of fashionable theological errors (particularly neomodernism) which spawned doctrinal uncertainty, a radical denial of God, and the watering down of and even rejection of the spirit of the Gospel.
Saint Bernards Three Course Banquet
$29.95Add to cartSaint Bernard s famous work, The Steps of Humility and Pride (in Latin, De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae), is a short book consisting of a mere fifty-seven paragraphs. In it, the Abbot of Clairvaux unpacks the doctrine of the very crucial chapter 7 of Saint Benedict s sixth-century Rule for Monks, which explores the dynamic steps or degrees of both humility and pride. This chapter by Benedict could well be considered the spiritual basis of all Benedictine existence.
In Saint Bernard s Three-Course Banquet, Dom Bernard Bonowitz makes the teaching of both Bernard and Benedict accessible to modern readers in a set of conferences originally conceived for and delivered to a group of Cistercian juniors, that is, monks and nuns who had completed their novitiate but had not yet made their solemn vows. With Dom Bernard as a guide, many more readers can be sure of drinking at the purest sources of the monastic tradition, which at that depth becomes one with the Gospel itself.
Prayers Papers And Play
$16.99Add to cartPrayers, Papers, and Play: Devotions for Every College Student is a college student devotional to be used throughout the academic year and into summer holidays. The devotions focus on a variety of common student experiences: academic struggles, working while attending school, leisure activities, internships, friendships, and more.
Tools Matters : Beginning The Spiritual Journey
$29.95Add to cartHow can we tend the garden of our souls? Meg Funk turns to the wisdom of the desert fathers for the means of removing obstacles to spiritual growth, which include thoughts of food, sex, possessions, anger, dejection, and pride, among other preoccupations. Redirecting thought away from such weeds in the garden of the spirit can lead to a greater awareness of God and purity of prayer.
This method to mental discipline may seem impossible at first, Funk admits, but those who succeed at it are rewarded with a liberating experience as they come to observe and control individual thought processes. Drawing on the writings of the fifth-century monk John Cassian, Funk goes on to explore deeply using such tools as memory, imagination, and rational thinking-tools right out of early Christianity-to work on inner healing. She also explains how other positive tools, such as ceaseless prayer, manual labor, and isolation, may lead to uncluttering the mind and purifying the heart.
Not Less Than Everything
$17.99Add to cartJoan of Arc, Mother Mary MacKillop, Ignatius of Loyola, and Bartolome de Las Casas. All of these people have one thing in common-they are Catholics whose beliefs caused them to be per-secuted, but who, through the test of time, proved to be figures revered in the Church.
In fact, many of the Catholic figures who intrigue and inspire us are the men and women who found the great strength-personal, spiritual, intellectual-to challenge the Church. Some were called heretics, denounced for denying doctrine. Others were condemned for not submitting to the control of the Church. But they have much to teach us in our own efforts to live out our faith.
It is difficult to know what to do when Church doctrine is at odds with cultural developments. From gay marriage to contraception, stem-cell research to required celibacy for priests, Catholics today are struggling with the conflict between tradition and the Church’s need to come to terms with modernity. In Not Less Than Everything, some of the best Catholic writers of our time, including Alice McDermott, Ron Hansen, Mary Gordon, Tobias Wolff, and Ann Patchett, share their personal accounts of people who have influenced the way they view the intersection of faith and culture. Not Less Than Everything is a riveting exploration of how to face the challenge of living our faith in the real and messy world.
Intercessions For Mass
$49.95Add to cartInspired by her daily contemplation and meditation on the Scripture, Carmelite Sister Mary Grace Melcher offers this book of deeply meaningful prayers of the faithful for every day of the year. Cycles A, B, and C for Sundays and the two-year cycle for weekdays are all included. These beautiful intercessions echo the grace of the day indicated by the Scripture readings and have been prayed in her monastic community for years. Enrich your community’s liturgy with these beautiful and inspiring intercessions.
Daily Meditations On Gods Love
$10.95Add to cartDaily Meditations on God’s Love by Catholic Book Publishing is an excellent resource for those seeking a deeper relationship with God. In Daily Meditations on God’s Love, beloved Catholic Book Publishing author, Marci Alborghetti, offers readers the opportunity to use Scripture, reflection and prayer to deepen their experience of God’s love every day. Covered in vibrant red vinyl with ribbon marker, Daily Meditations on God’s Love will enable readers to more readily apply the fruits of their relationship with the Lord to their daily lives. This book is meant to help all clergy, religious, and lay people to share more fully in the Prayer of the Church through inspirational prayers and reflections centered on the celebration of the Hours.
Childs Treasure : Rosary Meditations For Children
$5.95Add to cartA Caritas Press Title
Grow to love the Lord more deeply through these meditations written by children for children. With insight into how Mother Mary loves Jesus, authors Derek Rebello, Elsa Schiavone and Michael Boas show us how to follow Him more closely in our everyday lives and discover that our faith is truly our greatest treasure.
Totally Catholic : A Catechism For Kids And Their Parents And Teachers
$19.99Add to cartAre you looking for a way to accessibly communicate the faith to your kids, but are at a loss for words? Is your older child preparing for receiving the sacraments, but needs to catch-up on their religious education? Do you want to brush up on your knowledge and grow in your faith, especially in celebration of the Year of Faith?
In this comprehensive resource for faith formation, children ages 9-12 and the grown-ups in their lives are provided with child-appropriate, helpful, and theologically-correct language to explain the faith…from A to Z! Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or catechist, this guidebook of all things totally Catholic offers you an exciting way to share and pass on the faith!
Drawing from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and using ‘hip’ terminology and acronyms such as “BTW” and “VIP,” content is presented in a way that reaches out to young people-and even to adults looking for an accessible window into the faith. Analogies illuminate difficult concepts, bolded key terms are defined, and a pronunciation aid accompanies more advanced language. Clip art style illustrations and call-out boxes present the faith in a fun way.
From Bible stories, to the sacraments, to Church hierarchy, to the fruits of the Holy Spirit, this resource covers all bases. It also responds to contemporary societal issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality, along with issues that kids might directly deal with in their day-to-day lives such as cheating, plagiarism, and gossip.
Containing extensive information on what Catholics believe and how they live as members within the community of believers, this manual not only equips you with knowledge of the faith, but also encourages you to engage in it. Each chapter is framed in the form of a question and contains the following sections:
*Brainstorm: prompts to connect the faith to everyday life
*Scripture Link: a story from Scripture that reinforces the faith
*BTW: supplemental tidbits of information
*Did You Know?: interesting, quick facts
*A Catholic VIP: portraits of saints or blesseds containing brief biographies and feast days
*From My Heart: an assortment of prayers
*Now Act!: ideas for how to live the faith
*Recap: a summary of important points to remember -
Roots Of Christian Mysticism
$29.95Add to cartBy linking together a series of brilliantly chosen texts from the early centuries of the Church, the author lays bare the roots of the deeply mystical spirituality that has flourished among Christians throughout the ages. This book will appeal to anyone who is interested in the field of spirituality. It is a masterly contribution to Christian scholarship, and this second edition includes an extraordinarily useful Index.
Like A Hammer Shattering Rock
$17.00Add to cartRenowned Catholic author Megan McKenna celebrates her 50th book with a controversial interpretation of the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John and what they mean for the Church and society today.
In many ways, modern audiences have become so familiar with the gospels that we’ve stopped listening and integreting their wisdom into our everyday lives. Acclaimed author Megan McKenna explores the messages of the four gospels in the context of daily life when they were originally written and interprets their meaning for our modern world. While some argue for the development of new gospels for the 21st century, McKenna argues that we haven’t paid due attention to the ones we already have; in many cases, we’ve ignored sections of these teachings entirely and twisted their meaning to suit our own agendas. McKenna breaks it down, gospel by gospel, and shows us how the lessons of Jesus’s apostles continue to resonate.
Imagining The Kingdom (Reprinted)
$26.99Add to cartHow does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith’s three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the Kingdom. He helps us understand and appreciate the bodily basis of habit formation and how liturgical formation–both “secular” and Christian–affects our fundamental orientation to the world. Worship “works” by leveraging our bodies to transform our imagination, and it does this through stories we understand on a register that is closer to body than mind. This has critical implications for how we think about Christian formation.
Treasure In The Field
$19.95Add to cartRobert Krieg’s aim in Treasure in the Field is to help readers understand better the nature of the salvation that God offers to humanity and become more conscious of it in their lives. That is, he intends not only to impart information and ideas found in Scripture, church teaching, and theology but also to illumine our own experiences.
Krieg retrieves the Bible’s teaching on salvation and expresses it in contemporary terms. Drawing deeply from Scripture, he defines salvation as God’s gift of personal identity, of wholeness. In this perspective, God calls us not to invent ourselves but to discover ourselves as God intends us to be. Those who gradually make this discovery become grateful recipients who give themselves and their talents for the well-being of other people and creation.
Thoughts Matter : Discovering The Spiritual Journey
$24.95Add to cartCassian taught that real intimacy with God in prayer demands renouncing one’s former way of life, the thoughts belonging to that former way of life, and one’s very idea of God. In Thoughts Matter, Mary Margaret Funk focuses on the second of these: renouncing the thoughts belonging to one’s former way of life. Her eight chapters focus on different “thoughts”-food, sex, anger, dejection, acedia (profound weariness of the soul), vainglory (taking credit for good actions), and pride.
Funk explains well how failure to control these thoughts can undermine our spiritual life, and she instructs readers on how effectively to overcome these thoughts and to focus instead on thoughts in harmony with God’s will. The result is an experience of joy, hope, and freedom from enslavement to our appetites. Readers will come away enlightened, strengthened, and inspired to delve more deeply into a life of intimacy with God.
Pleading Cursing Praising
$19.95Add to cartIrene Nowell’s work would be both impressive and important if she were “only” a masterful Scripture scholar or a gifted spiritual guide or a compelling teacher. The fact that she is all three makes her an extraordinary resource for Christians today. In Pleading, Cursing, Praising, Nowell puts all of these gifts to use to offer a guide to praying with the psalms.
Nowell maintains that the psalms teach us to tell our story, to cry out our pain, and to give praise to God. They also teach us to listen-to the voice of God, the voice of Christ, the voices of the people around us, and the voice of all creation. This book includes questions and exercises for personal reflection, brief prayers for praying along the way, and suggestions for composing one’s own psalm-prayers. It promises to enrich the spiritual life of everyone who reads it.
Humility Matters : Toward Purity Of Heart
$29.95Add to cartHumility Matters makes the claims that humility is for a disciple of Jesus Christ what enlightenment is for a Buddhist, realization for a Hindu, surrender for a Muslim, and righteousness for a Jew. It is the unmistakable character of one who has accepted the vocation to undertake the spiritual journey. It is at the core of our experience of life in Christ.
Meg Funk guides readers deeper into a life of humility by following the movement of what the early Christians called the four renunciations: to renounce our former way of life, our thoughts of our former way of life, our self-made thoughts of God, and our self-made thoughts of ourselves. With the help of the compelling examples of St. Benedict, St. Teresa of Jesus, and St. Therese of Lisieux, Funk shows the way to ongoing conversion of mind, heart, and way of life.
Lectio Matters : Before The Burning Bush
$24.95Add to cartLectio divina is a way of praying by sustained immersion into a revelatory text. While Scripture is the classic place of encounter with God, the text could also be the book of life or the book of nature.
In Lectio Matters, respected spiritual guide Meg Funk accompanies the reader in exploring the various levels of lectio divina as taught by the ancient church writers and by sharing her own long experience. By means of this wisdom both ancient and new, lectio divina can become our burning bush, a real encounter with the living God, in which we take off our sandals and bow our brow to the ground.
Discernment Matters : Listening With The Ear Of The Heart
$29.95Add to cartAfter fifty years of monastic life, prayer, and spiritual direction, Meg Funk knows what it means to listen with the ear of one’s heart to the Holy Spirit. In Discernment Matters, she shares what she has learned. This book is a resource for those who want to learn and practice discernment as taught by the early monastic tradition. It includes an accessible summary of teachings about discernment from monastic traditions of late antiquity, consideration of important tools for making decisions today, and practical examples from the lives of St. Benedict and St. Patrick, as well as from the experience of monastics today.
With this fifth volume of the Matters Series, Funk completes one of the most comprehensive presentations of the spiritual life available today, demonstrating why this inner work is both necessary and such a joy.
Joseph Ratzinger In Cummunio Volume 2
$33.99Add to cartIn this second volume in the series Joseph Ratzinger in Communio Pope Benedict XVI responds to many issues surrounding Christology and anthropology today, including resurrection, immortality, hope, technology, and secularism.
As David Schindler notes in his introduction, “Cardinal Ratzinger — Pope Benedict XVI — rarely writes on any churchly matter that does not manifest its implications for man and culture, and vice versa. Indeed, this indissoluble linking is one of the main distinguishing features of his theology.” This is the penultimate volume in the series.
Your College Faith
$14.99Add to cartWalk in faith on campus and beyond…Your College Faith: Own It! serves as a field guide to faith for the student transitioning to, or seeking to make a fresh start in, the realm of college or university life. The authors help alleviate common fears about making it in college and encourage the student to experience faith in a Christian commuity that serves the unique pastoral needs of young adults. Topics covered include taking ownership of your faith life on campus, maintaining balance in life to increase chances of success on campus, finding a Catholic community on campus, giving back through service work, discerning your vocation, taking advantage of social media and avoiding its pitfalls, and using church documents and spiritual writings to deepen your faith life.