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  • King Sauls Asking


    Who should lead us? Who should we, as a community, look to for guidance? These questions, as old as humankind, followed the Israelite community upon their return from the Exile: Should they return with Davidic kingship or without it? Their answer was King Saul. Reading Israel’s first king as a riddle or the epitome of Israel’s experience with kingship, King Saul’s Asking explores the characterization of the figure Saul, the question of the apparent silence of God, the multiple complexities of responsibility for kingship, and the readers’ opportunities for transformation. It provides a new approach to the Old Testament, supplying the reader with not only an in-depth character study but also an interesting, insightful read, and opportunity for transformation.

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  • Swift Lord You Are Not


    Some poets begin very early to write great poetry. Arthur Rimbaud wrote one of his best poems at 15, Percy Shelley published his first book of poetry at 18. But Kilian McDonnell, O.S.B., did not start until he was 75, after decades of writing as a professional theologian. Now 82 he gives us Swift, Lord, You Are Not, poems of the struggle to find God-waiting for the silence of God to break. He does not write pious verse, or inspirational poetry, but of wrestling with the illusive God. His themes are mostly biblical and monastic. He closes with an essay Poet: Can You Start at Seventy-Five? in which he describes the literary decisions he makes within the monastic context-decisions he needs to make with some dispatch. At 75 he does not have decades to mature. He writes with a new language.

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  • Early Christian Mystics


    The McGinns, preeminent scholars of theological history, present sketches of 12 seminal figures vital to the development of Christian mysticism. An accessible interpretation of the distinct characteristics of these spiritual masters’ direct, immediate, and transformative encounters with the presence of God.

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  • Gift Of Grandparenting


    Each of the ten reflections in The Gift of Grandparenting focuses on opportunities for sharing the gifts that each generation holds for the other – opportunities to play, to teach, to grow, to trust, to serve, to limit, to heal, to remember, to love, and to dance. Softcover, 188 pages.

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  • Mentoring For Mission


    Informed by the extensive experience of faculty and administrators, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, who have designed and implemented mentoring programs at their institutions, “Mentoring for Mission” is the only book on mentoring that focuses specifically on nurturing new faculty at church-related colleges and universities.

    Offering a theology of mentoring grounded in the scriptures and Christian tradition, the book examines such topics as Christian views of personhood, the role of Christian virtues in mentoring, the value of mentoring in discerning one’s particular calling as a teacher and a scholar, and how different emphases of particular Christian traditions shape mentoring at schools founded by different religious bodies. The authors offer practical advice on the nuts and bolts of program design and implementation, on problem-solving for ongoing mentoring programs, and on sustaining an institutional vision as a mentoring community while meeting the daily challenges of institutional life.

    “Mentoring for Mission” is necessary reading both for those already involved in administering faculty development programs and for those seeking sound advice on how to design and implement such a program at their own schools.

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  • With Open Heart


    This book presents useful parallels between the spiritual teachings of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori (1696-1787), Doctor of Prayer, and the ministry of spiritual direction in the Church of the third millennium. In drawing out these parallels, With Open Heart looks not to Alphonsuss teaching on spiritual direction itself but to his teaching on prayer. The author seeks to move the Redemptorist tradition forward so that it will speak to and meet the spiritual needs of today’s believing community in more practical and relevant ways.

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  • Discernment : The Art Of Choosing Well (Revised)


    Making good decisions are among the most difficult challenges in life. In Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well, readers will find a comprehensive guide to making choices, either individually or in groups. It is based on the time-tested spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the sixteenth-century founder of the Jesuits who developed a systemic way of considering and making choices.

    The author, a renowned teacher of Ignatian spirituality, leads readers on a journey of self-reflection, focusing on the process of discernment rather than on the particular problem at hand.

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  • Celtic Model Of Ministry


    Why is the Christian Church declining in numbers and effectiveness in the 21st century? An experienced clergyman and Celtic scholar writes the decline is caused by a crisis of individualism, a crisis of faith, and a crisis of lifestyle. The response to the crisis is provided by Celtic spirituality and the way of ministry of early Celtic Christians in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. The early Celtic communities provide a model for ministry today in the local congregation and a way for the successful future of the Church.

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  • Communion With Non Catholic Christians


    How should a Catholic pastor respond to non-Catholics who wish to have Communion without conveying harshness, scrupulosity, legalism, or rudeness? Intended to help Christians recognize the present provisional norms and to seek new possibilities in eucharistic sharing. Communion with Non-Catholic Christians examines the risks, challenges, and opportunities involved in the admission of Communion to non-Catholic Christians.

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  • Advent And Christmas With The Saints


    Advent and Christmas with the Saints offers spiritual sustenance from those holy men and women whom we honor because of their close spiritual relationship with God. Readers walk day-by-day with the saints, recalling the Scriptures they read, meditating on the thoughts they had, praying as they might have prayed, and talking openly with God. Christians looking for a way to re-spiritualize their Christmas practices, prayer groups, small-faith communities, Bible study classes, teachers, clergy, and religious will cherish this guide to refocusing on the “reason for the season,” the birth of the Messiah.

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  • Catholic Babys Baptismal Bible


    A Baptismal Bible for a Catholic baby that comes complete with certificate and family history pages. Gold edges. Padded Hardcover. Gift boxed.

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  • Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)


    Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.

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  • Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)


    Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.

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  • Preaching To Adults Teens And Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9780893905873ISBN10: 0893905879Editor: Celebrating The LectionaryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: Resource Publications Inc.

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  • Enriching Our Music 1


    Freedom Mass – Kate Alm
    Music For The Eucharist – David Hurd
    Music For The Holy Eucharist Rite II – Peter Crisafulli
    Missa Appalachia – Jonathan Dimmock
    Mass – Susan Calvin Fletcher
    Service Music For St. Mary’s – Randall Giles
    The St. Mary Mass – Carl MaultsBy
    Red Lake Mass – Monte Mason
    Missa Oecumenica – Arr. Richard Proulx
    Mass For St. Philip’s – William Bradley Roberts
    Mass In The Lydian Mode – Richard R. Webster
    Light Of The World – Crisafulli, Emblom, And Mason
    A Song To The Lamb – McLeod
    We Praise You, O God – John Karl Hirten
    Canticles A-K – Crisafulli, Dimmock, Emblom, Haywood, Hernandez, Hirten, Kennedy, Mason, Near, Reynolds, Roberts, And Sitton.

    Additional Info
    This is the first of two collections from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of additional service music for the church with eleven settings for the eucharist and two settings each of Canticles A-K from Enriching Our Worship 1.

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  • Prayers Of Our Faith


    “This prayer collection provides a rich selection of devotional material that will deepen understanding of the central truths of our faith and nurture spiritual growth. Chosen for their timelessness and beauty, these are prayers that can be memorized and used over and over again. Many of them have inspired and sustained Christian worship for centuries. Compiled as a gift companion to “”This is My Faith””, though a volume that can also stand alone, “”Prayers of Our Faith”” will make an ideal confirmation gift for candidates of all ages.”

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  • Communing With Jesus Real Presence


    Communing with Jesus’ Real Presence provides the reader with an understanding of who Christ really is and what he should mean to them in their daily lives. It is promising for lovers of Holy Communion who long to grow in fervor–It is a remedy for those who have no fervor. Father Smith opens the door for those who have never stepped deeply into the mystery of the Eucharist, the heart of the Catholic Church. Communing with Jesus’ Real Presence is recommended for the thousands of people who spend time daily in adoration chapels around the country. In a time of failing faith in the Eucharist, this book faithfully contemplates with love that the Eucharist should be esteemed above all of Christ’s other gifts, for in the Eucharist he gives himself. It is a gift to put in the hands of Catholics fresh from the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Mature Catholics with a habit of prayer and spiritual reading will find it rewarding.

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  • Targum Of Canticles


    Written in the eighth century, C.E. Targum Canticles offers one of the classic interpretations of the Song of Songs. In the relationship between the bridegroom and the bride in the Song, with its rhythm of communion, estrangement and reconciliation, the Targumist discovers allegorical history of God’s relationship to Israel from the first exodus from Egypt, to the final exodus from exile when the Messiah comes. The Targum of Canticles was one of the Song of Songs as the special reading for Passover. It was adapted in the medieval and early modern periods by Christian scholars who saw in the Song a cryptic history of Christ’s relationship to the Church. Targum Caticles has played a central role in the interpretation of one of the most puzzling books of the Bible.

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  • Better Way : Rediscovering The Drama Of God Centered Worship


    A challenging examination of the biblical and theological issues underlying a distinctively Christian view of worship.

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  • Blessing Of The Table


    Blessings of the Table is a book of seasonal and special occasion table blessings for adults and children.

    Christian groups and families, as well as those who live alone, will find in these readings and prayers a time-honored way to sanctify mealtime and spiritualize daily experiences as they honor the Lord in a special way at the daily meal.

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  • Dynamic Equivalence : The Living Language Of Christian Worship



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    In studying the history of the vernacular in worship beginning with the Christian Scriptures, Dynamic Equivalence uncovers the power of a living language to transform communities of faith.
    How we pray when we come together for common worship has always been significant, but the issue of liturgical language received unprecedented attention in the twentieth century when Latin Rite Roman Catholic worship was opened to the vernacular at Vatican II. Worshiping in one’s native tongue continues to be of issue as the churches debate over what type of vernacular should be employed.

    Dynamic Equivalence traces the history of liturgical language in the Western Christian tradition as a dynamic and living reality. Particular attention is paid to the twentieth century Vernacular Society within the United States and how the vernacular issue was treated at Vatican II, especially within an ecumenical context.

    The first chapter offers a short history of the vernacular from the first century through the twentieth. The second and third chapters contain a significant amount of archival material, much of which has never been published before. These chapters tell the story of a mixed group of Catholic laity and clergy dedicated to promoting the vernacular during the first half of the twentieth century. Chapter Four begins with a survey of vernacular promotion in the Reformation itself, explores the issue of vernacular worship as an instrument of ecumenical hospitality and concludes with some examples of ecumenical liturgical cooperation in the years immediately preceding the Council. The final chapter treats the vernacular debate at the Council with attention to the Vernacular Society’s role in helping with the implementation of the vernacular.

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  • Come Creator Spirit


    Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Father Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints. This book describes the Church’s experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Women Who Hear Voices


    More than a few people today scoff at the notion of “religious experience.” What the believer accepts as God acting in human lives, the skeptic attributes to delusion or hysteria-especially when the believer is a woman. Indeed, the possibility of self-deception in the realm of religious experience is sufficiently great that even devotees tread softly around it. At what point does mindless enthusiasm come to an end and actual, transcendent reality begin?

    Sidney Callahan, a psychologist, author and Christian ethicist, describes authentic religious experience as the work of “a creative God of love who gives totally and renounces coercion.” Human beings, she says, “are wired for relationship.” They move instinctively toward a dynamic presence who abides within the world and in human affairs. In this Madeleva Lecture delivered at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, Callahan affirms not only the reality but the usefulness of private religious experiences, especially those of “women barred from hierarchical authority,” which, she says, “can be a rich source of strength for the church.” Beginning with the insights of William James and Rudolf Otto, and borrowing from contemporary theologians Karl Rahner and John E. Thiel, Callahan describes the way religious “signals” emerge into society through the attentive reflection of individuals. And the world is better for it. “Women who hear voices and see visions and have prophetic and intimate religious experiences,” she states, “have given witness to God’s justice and equality while affirming God’s maternal love.”

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  • Diario Santa Maria Faustina Ko – (Spanish)


    The Diary is a dramatic telling of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska’s amazing encounter with The Divine Mercy – our Lord Jesus Christ. On Mercy Sunday 2006, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The mystery of the merciful love of God was the center of the pontificate of my venerable predecessor [Pope John Paul II] … evidencing that the devotion to Divine Mercy is not a secondary, but an integral dimension of a Christian’s faith and prayer.”

    The Diary chronicles God’s invitation to turn to His mercy as a source of hope for the world. In it, we are reminded to trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus and seek His forgiveness. And as Christ is merciful, so, too, are we instructed to be merciful to others.

    The message of Divine Mercy has become an integral part of Catholic faith, including the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy on the Sunday after Easter as Jesus had requested of St. Faustina. The Diary is truly a book that inspires people to turn with trust to Jesus and guides the reader through an intimate journey of prayer and devotion that ultimately leads to God’s mercy.

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  • Miracles Of The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899425238ISBN10: 0899425232Lawrence Lovasik | Editor: Jude WinklerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2003Saint Joseph Childrens Picture BookPublisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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  • Worship And Christian Identity


    Worship and Christian Identity argues that sacramental and liturgical practices are the central means by which a church shapes the faith, character, and consciousness of its members. Consequently, for any church to set aside such practices as outdated or irrelevant is to set aside the means by which the church nurtures and sustains its theological identity. From this perspective, Anderson explores the following questions: What is the relationship between worship and belief? What is the relationship between corporate worship and the formation of Christian persons and communities? What is the relationship between worship and our knowledge of ourselves, our world, and God? How might our attention to the reform and renewal of worship and sacramental practice provide a framework for theological, evangelical, and sacramental renewal?
    Questions of sacramental practice, inclusive or transformative language, and the renewal of congregational hymnody have been largely displaced by marketing questions and conflicts between “traditional” and “contemporary” worship. The hour of worship is subdivided now into increasingly specialized “target audiences” of singles, seekers, boomers, and “X-ers” with worship carefully packaged as “traditional” or “contemporary.” What at various points has been understood as a “means of grace” is now seen primarily as a “means of numerical growth.”

    Missing in the conflict between “traditional” and “contemporary” worship is significant discussion of what is at stake for the identity of Christian persons and communities in the shape and practice of worship. Perhaps more surprising, discussion of the theological shape and practice of worship also has been absent in discussions concerning theological standards. These absences suggest that for many in the church today, worship is a means for expressing a community’s belief but has little to do with the shape and character of that belief.

    The assumption that worship is only or primarily a pragmatic means for expressing a community’s belief stands in sharp contrast to the Christian tradition. This assumption also contrasts with the insights provided by recent work in ritual studies, psychology, and faith development.

    Worship and Christian Identity is an important book for faculty and students in seminary and graduate programs in liturgical studies and religious education, particularly those interested in the relationships between liturgical studies and practical theology, ritual st

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  • Christianity With An Asian Face


    11 Chapters

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    Drawing on the twin themes of liberation and inculturation, Peter Phan explicates a new theology forged in the cauldron of the encounter between two vastly different cultures. He devotes particular attention to the meaning of Christ for Asian Americans and the emergence of new christological titles Jesus as Eldest Son and Ancestor.
    Phan also explores his personal roots to sketch the contours for Vietnamese American theology, an expression of faith caught between the Dragon and the Eagle.

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  • Everything Belongs : The Gift Of Contemplative Prayer (Revised)


    In Everything Belongs, Richard Rohr offers a personal retreat for those who hunger for a deeper spiritual life but don’t know what contemplation is.

    Fr. Rohr helps us understand that intimacy with God cannot be achieved in the rational mind. By practicing contemplation, we learn not to reason better but to see everything–including ourselves and other people–differently. As our perspective becomes wider, we discover that everything belongs.

    This edition includes a reading guide for individual and group reflection.

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  • Mystical Thought Of Meister Eckhart


    In this widely acclaimed work, Bernard McGinn, the preeminent Eckhart scholar, delves into Eckhart’s complex and profound theology and penetrates layers of controversy to reveal the originality and brilliance of the medieval mystic’s radical message.

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  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church 2nd Edition (Expanded)


    Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent in 1566 details the doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Church.

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  • Discipline That Lasts A Lifetime


    Author, counselor, broadcaster, and dad, Dr. Ray Guarendi offers parents fresh and practical advice about disciplining children. Although contemporary culture has given discipline a spanking, says the author, it remains an important, God-given tool for parents to form their children’s character and to teach them the basics of living, moral responsibility, and respect.

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  • This Is Your Mother


    An invaluable resource for all twenty Mysteries of the Rosary. For each Mystery a full selection of Old Testament texts prepares for a mediation followed by the relevant reading from the New Testament.

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  • Wounded Innocence : Sketches For A Theology Of Art


    What is the theological significance of art? Why has the Church always encouraged the arts? What is so profoundly human about the arts? In A Wounded Innocence Alejandro R. Garcia-Rivera answers these questions in a series of “sketches” that are mixed spiritual and theological reflections on various works of art written in a poetic style. These reflections explore the relationship between the multi-dimensional spiritual and the arts.

    The first “sketch,” “The Beginning of Art,” introduces the rest that go on to explore further the human, artistic, and theological implications of a wounded innocence. Each “sketch” reflects on a particular human work of art. Some are conventional works of art. Others may never find their way into a museum but, then, that is one of the implications coming out of this book. A museum does not define what a work of art is, its human depth does. In these deeply studied yet spiritually written reflections on each work of art, it is hoped that the reader will find his and her own creative depth described, perhaps even revealed.

    A Wounded Innocence is both inspiring and informative. Readers will learn about art, spirituality, and theology, and will find themselves inspired to look at works of art, and even to produce a work of art. It sets a new way of doing theology that is at the same time spiritual. More importantly, Garcia-Rivera describes a theology of art.

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  • Eucharistic Contemplation


    Eucharistic adoration is part of Catholic tradition. In many parts of the world, perpetual adoration is flourishing as never before. Presented here for any who respect the Blessed Sacrament, the reflections found in Eucharistic Contemplation provide a distinct style for prayer and veneration.
    Eucharistic Contemplation is not another book of eucharistic “devotions” as has been the style for the past few centuries. The prayers are not directed to Jesus in the Sacrament of the Altar, full of sentiments, feelings, petitions, thanksgiving, praise, or reparation. Rather, these 32 reflections focus on contemplation as a simple, straightforward, and honest prayer. Every short reading leads to moments of silent contemplation. They are meant to serve principally for moments of prayer, yet define the meaning of what contemplation, and specifically eucharistic contemplation, are to people of faith praying before the Blessed sacrament.

    Prepared and delivered in the parish of San Francisco de Borja, in Lima, Peru, these reflections on the Eucharist use actual prayers from the Church’s sacramentary and rites. Each reflection follows the process of Eucharistic contemplation. The first reading should be studied slowly to have a basic understanding of the text. Then, the reader is invited to search out the various scriptural background references, especially from the Old Testament. A re-reading of the text, with pauses, and time for deep silence concludes the meditation.

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  • Life Of Antony The Coptic Life And The Greek Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9780879079024ISBN10: 0879079029Athanasius Of Alexandria | Translator: Tim Vivian | Translator: Anastasios AthanassakisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Teresa Of Avila


    Includes an extensive introduction covering Teresa’s life and the relevance of her writings.

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  • Maryknoll Book Of Prayer


    Favorite prayers from all around the world, arranged by theme.

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  • Catholicism In The Third Millennium Second Edition (Reprinted)


    What is Catholicism? And where is the Catholic Church headed in the third millennium? These two questions provide the structure for Thomas Rausch’s Catholicism in the Third Millennium. Here Rausch combines a faithful presentation of the tradition with a critical theological reflection and interpretation of where the Church is today and where it might be moving.
    Catholicism in the Third Millennium offers an appreciation of the forces and movements that have shaped, and continue to influence, the ongoing change and development of Roman Catholicism. Chief among these is the influence of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) in reshaping Catholicism.

    This revised edition includes updated text from Rausch’s Catholicism at the Dawn of the Third Millennium particularly the final chapter on “The Unfinished Agenda” of Vatican II. Each chapter concludes with focus questions developed by Catherine E. Clifford of St. Paul’s University, Ottawa. This experience of guided reading provides readers with a broad survey of Roman Catholic faith and practice in its contemporary context.

    For readers who wish to compare particular passages of this volume with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, an outline is provided in an appendix, with references to the appropriate sections of the Catechism. A second appendix offers a glossary of terms used in the book, while a third appendix lists a number of basic works for further investigation of Catholic faith and life.

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  • Letters Of Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux


    This classic translation of the correspondence of Bernard is reprinted with a new introduction which takes into account the wealth of scholarship which has appeared in the last forty years. Professor Kienzle discusses the translation of medieval and monastic letter-writing and provides a new chronology and select bibliography.

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  • Witness To Integrity


    Witness to Integrity is a first-person account of the historic dispute between the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters (I.H.M.) and James Francis McIntyre, the Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles. Former Mother General of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters and president of the Immaculate Heart Community, Anita Caspary, I.H.M., tells her story of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters’ motivations and struggles in their claim for authority and freedom to live a Christian life in accordance with their consciences. The conflicts that lead a part of the Immaculate Heart Sisters’ Community to become an ecumenical community are described with vividness.

    Anita Caspary’s personal narrative reflections provide in-depth details of the story that has captured media attention in books, television documentaries, and plays. In addition, the use of original sources from the Immaculate Heart Community archives that have not been open to the public assists in producing new insights and correcting inaccuracies and myths.

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  • What Makes Us Catholic


    What makes a Catholic a Catholic? According to Thomas Groome, an expert on the essential ingredients of Catholic Christianity, Catholics share certain vital features of life and identity. What Makes Us Catholic explains and illuminates that character, and invites Catholics of all kinds to connect more deeply and imaginatively with their own culture and spirituality.

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  • Divine Mercy Message And Devotion Single (Large Type)


    Outlining The Divine Mercy message and devotion in an easy-to-follow format, this booklet provides an overview to one of the Catholic Church’s fastest growing movements. Includes all elements and prayers of The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

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  • Every Pilgrims Guide To Englands Holy Places


    England’s rich spiritual history is portrayed in this informative pocket travel companion covering more than a thousand places that can be visited today. Great cathedrals and abbeys, simple chapels, martyrs’ memorials, pilgrim shrines and famous resting places are all featured in this book which connects us to our deepest spiritual roots, reveals the vast holy land lying beneath our feet and tells the stories of the men and women who shaped it.

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  • From Silence To Song


    1. The Problem Of Davidic Worship
    2. According To The Pattern
    3. Some For Priests And Levites
    4. Sacrifices Of Praise
    5. The Booth Of David
    6. The Ends Of Song
    Scripture Index

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    The debate in many Reformed circles over worship music is only a small part of the larger question of Reformed liturgics. And dancing. All sides admit that the New Testament offers relatively little instruction on liturgy, and so the debate over the regulative principle continues with apparently little hope for resolution. In this study, Peter Leithart’s key insight reveals a prominent scriptural example of a liturgy that interprets God’s commands for worship in ways far more biblically grounded than traditional regulativism allows. King David’s tabernacle worship becomes a rich story, not only in respect to liturgical wisdom, but also to the significance of Zion in the fulfillments of the Christian era.

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  • Thespian Theology Cycle B


    Stimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle B lectionary readings for the Lent and Easter seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by “Thespian Theological Thoughts” that briefly make an explicit connection between the drama and the scripture text. Use these versatile pieces in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings — this latest installment in the popular Thespian Theology series will enlighten audiences of all ages while leaving an indelible impression.

    Some of the intriguing titles include:
    * Blow The Trumpet! (Ash Wednesday)
    * A Single Granary (Lent 5)
    * Everyone’s Invited To The Feast! (Easter Day)
    * Righteous Rudy And Judgmental Judy (Easter 6)

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  • Family Prayers For Daily Grace


    Family Prayers for Daily Grace provides the prayerful words that describe a wide range of family experiences. Beginning with a selection of mealtime blessings and prayers of thanks, expressions of gratitude naturally flow into collections of prayers of appreciation for the many blessings of home and family. More intimate prayer topics focus on facing the challenges of life, learning and growing, the importance of developing personalities, and overcoming bad habits. Prayers about relating to other people and developing social values are provided as prayerful reminders that family members must reach out to others in the spirit of the Gospel.

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  • New Stations Of The Cross


    In this insightful, authoritative guide, Megan McKenna presents the fourteen new stations with the scriptural passages that Pope John Paul II uses on Good Friday. She also provides a basic introduction to the practices and reflections on the importance of the devotion for present-day Catholics and Episcopalians

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  • 50 Years In A Jealous Marriage


    An honest story of one man’s life in the Roman Catholic priesthood. This is a book that challenges all of those on either side who claim to have a corner on the Truth.

    Through this candid and challenging look at celibacy, Father James Lex provides a compelling and emotional portrait of the Roman Catholic priesthood at the dawn of the vocation’s third millennium.

    A lifetime struggle with celibacy is a lifetime struggle to stay whole inside a jealous marriage. As with any marriage, Lex’s has been a creative interplay of weakness and strength, of finding and asserting power, and of knowing how and when to submit. This book is the story of any of America’s more than 46,000 active and more than 20,000 inactive priests. It is a book about learning the rules and unlearning them….about learning to love and to let go…about forgiveness and yearning…about the choices people make everyday. Fifty Years in a Jealous Marriage chronicles a transformation — the transformation of a young, naive, eager to please, seminarian into a mature and surprisingly sane, truly catholic, Roman Catholic priest.

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  • Pontius Pilate : Portraits Of A Roman Governor


    Pontius Pilate examines the portraits of this Roman governor found in the Gospels. Unlike some discussions of Pilate, this one takes Pilate’s role as governor and representative of Roman imperial power seriously. It views Pilate predominantly as a strong, efficient, and astute governor, not as a weak and indecisive man, pressured into killing Jesus against Pilate’s convictions. The conclusion considers some of the ethical and theological issues the scenes involving Pilate raise for contemporary readers.

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  • Informing The Future


    288 Pages

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    A guide to the teachings on social justice in the New Testament, along with practical references to their application in today’s world.

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