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Showing 801–850 of 1961 results

  • Jesus Risen In Our Midst


    Jesus Risen in Our Midst mines the Resurrection Narrative of John’s gospel as a rich resource for understanding and developing Christian spirituality. In this series of essays, which can be read independently of one another, Scripture scholar Sandra Schneiders draws out especially fascinating insights on

    *the place of the Resurrection in the overall structure of the Gospel of John
    *the important structure of John 20, which presents a series of episodes that are internally related to each other and constitute a distinctive synthesis of Christian spirituality
    *what the Resurrection story reveals about the New Covenant promised by Jeremiah and Ezekiel
    *the anthropology and eschatology that is operative in John’s account of the Resurrection
    *the distinction in John between the Glorification and the Resurrection of Jesus

    Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM, is professor emerita in the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Her many books include her trilogy Religious Life in a New Millennium, Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth Gospel; and, from Liturgical Press, The Revelatory Text: Interpreting the New Testament as Sacred Scripture.

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  • Resurrection Of The Messiah


    Francis Moloney s new book takes its inspiration from the critically acclaimed publications of the renowned biblical scholar Raymond E. Brown The Birth of the Messiah and The Death of the Messiah. In The Resurrection of the Messiah, Moloney provides a narrative reading of the resurrection stories in Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. His focus is almost entirely upon the text itself. Guided by current scholarship, he uncovers the perennial significance of the four resurrection narratives, accepted and read as Sacred Scripture in the Christian tradition.
    Without disregarding the historical background that must be understood for an appreciation of the story, a narrative commentary attempts to trace the intended impact of that story upon its readers. This reading and interpretative process uncovers the literary structure of a passage, and then follows the unfolding of the narrative itself, allowing it to speak for itself. The thrust of the book is to uncover the unique theological and pastoral message communicated by means of the narratives.
    Moloney concludes that we rejoice in what Jesus has done for us in and through the resurrection. This is especially true in our current era, when Christian institutions and practice are under threat from many sides, and also from the way Christianity is lived by many of us. The stories of the resurrection of the Messiah assure us that Jesus promises come true, that our fears, doubts, failures and sin are overcome, as we are sent out again and again on mission, accompanied by the never-failing presence of Jesus in the gift of his Spirit.

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  • Embedded Grace : Christ History And The Reign Of God In Schleiermachers Dog


    Scholars are now at work not only rethinking Schleiermacher’s relation to the modern and contemporary theological tradition, but re-examining the dogmatic intricacies and commitments within his texts. Situated within this revisionist milieu, the author takes up the important issue of the coordination of grace and history in Schleiermacher, arguing for its significance in understanding the dynamics of Schleiermacher’s dogmatics and its grounding and realization in Christology.

    The project not only continues the recasting of Schleiermacher’s work in its wider context, but unpacks the dogmatic network within the paramount texts, as well as bringing crucial texts to the fore often neglected in English language scholarship. As such, this volume performs an innovative rethinking of revelation, grace, history, Christology, and ecclesiology in Schleiermacher, with particular attention to the pivotal dogmatic volume, The Christian Faith, and the unpublished Ethics. A commanding volume for scholars and students in modern and contemporary theology.

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  • Confessions Of Saint Augustine


    The Confessions of St. Augustine from Catholic Book Publishing is – after the Bible and the Imitation of Christ – the most widely translated and highly esteemed book in Christian history. Translated by Rev. J.M. Lehen, Ph.D., this Confessions of St. Augustine is published in a prayer book format, offering a more participatory reading and prayer experience based on St. Augustine’s confessions of his youthful errors. With a red vinyl cover, this classic Confessions of St. Augustine will make a tremendous personal resource or gift.

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  • Finding Happiness Through Faith


    The world is facing a phase of religious change. The paradox: while many long for spirituality, churches are becoming more and more empty as many individualize their faith experience. Yet we all long for community, and Christianity has a long history of joy-filled and vibrant communities of faith. Learning to fully comprehend and love the Christian faith is necessary if we want to know true joy and happiness.

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  • Acts Of The Apostles (Revised)


    Large format, featuring large text size and additional margin space for personal annotations! The larger format enhances both individual and group study.

    Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this volume leads readers through a penetrating study of the Acts of the Apostles, using the biblical text itself and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights and commentary by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes make explicit what Acts often assumes or they provide rich historical, cultural, geographical or theological information pertinent to the readings – information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own.

    The Ignatius Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of Acts, often relating them to the doctrines of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background to important Bible terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information “at a glance”.

    Each page also includes an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section that runs between the biblical text at the top of the page and the annotations at the bottom. Study Questions are provided for each chapter of Acts that can deepen your personal study of God’s Holy Word. There is also an introductory essay covering questions of authorship, date, destination, structure and themes. An outline of Acts and several maps are also included.

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  • Introduction To A Devout Life



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  • Whats So Blessed About Being Poor


    An inspiring exploration of how happiness and holiness can exist in the midst of poverty and illness. Two lay women who have chosen to live among the poor in East Africa, one a Maryknoll lay mission, and the other, a New York attorney who left her law practice to become a lay mission with the Franciscans minister to the poor in Kenya. Slavin first met Salvador when she was volunteering as a lawyer working in a justice and peace program in Kenya. Slavin was intrigued by the well-known phrase Blessed are the poor. After approaching this seeming paradox through unrewarding library research, she decided that she would join Salvador in her ministry to AIDS orphans to try to understand how the poor can be blessed. This account tells of their experiences as they worked together with the poor, primarily AIDS orphans, in the slums of Kenya. Photos will be included.

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  • For Love Of Animals


    For Love of Animals is an honest and thoughtful look at our responsibility as Christians with respect to animals. Many Christians misunderstand both history and their own tradition in thinking about animals. They are joined by prominent secular thinkers who blame Christianity for the Western world’s failure to seriously consider the moral status of animals.This book explains how traditional Christian ideas and principles-like nonviolence, concern for the vulnerable, respect for life, stewardship of God’s creation, and rejection of consumerism-require us to treat animals morally. Though this point of view is often thought of as liberal, the book cites several conservatives who are also concerned about animals. Camosy’s Christian argument transcends secular politics.The book’s starting point for a Christian position on animals-from the creation story in Genesis to Jesus’ eating habits in the Gospels-rests in Scripture. It then moves to explore the views of the Church Fathers, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and current discussions in both Catholic and Protestant theology. Ultimately, however, the book is concerned not with abstract ideas, but with how we should live our everyday lives. Should Christians eat meat? Is cooperation with factory farming evil? What sort of medical research on animals is justified? Camosy also asks difficult questions about hunting and pet ownership.This is an ideal resource for those who are interested in thinking about animals from the perspective of Christian ethics and the consistent ethic of life. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter and suggestions for further reading round out the usefulness of this important work.

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  • 5 Steps To Living Christian Unity


    For as long as Christian churches and communities have been divided, there are those who have looked for ways to heal the fractures. Callan Slipper offers five ways for Christians to approach one another on the path toward unity. (1) Recognize the need; (2) Start from being united; (3) Proceed one person at a time, with love; (4) Don’t make yourself the measure of truth. Truth is a person. It is Jesus; (5) embrace the cross, and let Jesus’ love transform division. His observations come from years of experience with ecumenists, and his optimism that unity is inevitable is evidence that faith and hope undergird the challenges that abide our daily choice to build Christian unity by the way we love one another.

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  • Dark Passages Of The Bible


    In Dark Passages of the Bible Matthew Ramage weds the historical-critical approach with a theological reading of Scripture based in the patristic-medieval tradition. Whereas these two approaches are often viewed as mutually exclusive or even contradictory, Ramage insists that the two are mutually enriching and necessary for doing justice to the Bibles most challenging texts.

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  • Waiting And Being


    The problem of creation and grace has a long history of contention within Protestant and Catholic theology, involving not only internecine conflict within the traditions but fueling, as well, ecumenical debates that have continued a dogmatic divide. This volume traces out that conflict in modern Catholic and Protestant dogmatics and provides a historical genealogy that situates the origin of the problem within different emphases in the thought of St. Augustine. The author puts forward an argument and reconstruction of the problem that overcomes the longstanding abstractions, elisions, and divisions that have characterized the theological discussion. What is called for is a reclamation of the reading of Augustine in Aquinas and Luther, a recovery of an ethical metaphysics, and a Christological reconstruction of being and otherness as the path toward a concrete union of creation and grace.

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  • Evangelizacion Y Catequesis En – (Spanish)


    Los latinos representan mas de un tercio de los catolicos en E.E.U.U. impactando y transformando con su presencia a la Iglesia de este pais. En parroquias dispersas a lo largo de la nacion, los hispanos dan forma a los apostolados, ocupan puestos de liderazgo, dirigen movimientos y muchas actividades mas. “Evangelizacion y catequesis en el ministerio hispano: Guia para la formacion en la fe,” el autor Hosffman Ospino ofrece una guia, tanto a los lideres como a las personas involucradas en la vida parroquial, de como organizar mejor los programas de formacion en la fe y las actividades de las parroquias. Ospino expone tambien algunas pautas sobre como los lideres pueden colaboran para integrar mejor las tradiciones hispanas con las ideas propias de la estructura parroquial.

    Latinos make up more than one-third of U.S. Catholics and their presence is impacting and transforming the Church here. In parishes across the nation, Hispanics are shaping ministries, leadership, movements and more. “Evangelizacion y catequesis en el ministerio hispano: Guia para la formacion en la fe,” (Evangelization and Catechesis in the Hispanic Ministry: A Guide to Faith Formation) author Hosffman Ospino provides a guide to both leaders and parishioners on how to better organize faith formation programs and activities at the parishes. It also guides leaders on how to better integrate the Hispanic traditions and ideas within the parish structure.

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  • Contact With God


    Nowhere is Anthony de Mello’s characteristic warmth and insight more evident than in the series of talks he gave while guiding retreats. Known throughout the world as one of the foremost religious guides, de Mello offers here the transcripts from his beloved lectures, inspiring readers going on retreat as well as suggestions for how to get the most out of the experience. In Contact With God, he intersperses his descriptions of various types of prayer with stories from his own life, as well as the thought-provoking parables for which he is best known.

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  • Catholic Babys Touch And Feel


    This perfect gift to celebrate a birth or Baptism will delight little ones with charming illustrations of their first milestones. Embossing, foil, and glitter combine to engage their senses. Colorful tabs accentuate the tactile elements found throughout this unique offering. CPSIA compliant.

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  • More Of The Holy Spirit


    In the last forty years, many Catholics have experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives that resulted in a new passion for God and a zeal for spreading the gospel. In addition to a newfound love of prayer, Scripture, and the Eucharist, many have been blessed with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as tongues and healing. Yet as the years go by, many often experience a waning of the gifts of the Spirit as well as a lukewarmness creeping into their lives. What can we do to keep that fire for God, which may have been ignited many years ago, burning brightly in our hearts? In this book, Sr. Ann Shields offers us an inspirational message that will help us persist in prayer and keep asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. By taking a serious look at our hearts and repenting where we have strayed, and by rededicating ourselves as disciples of Christ, we can reignite the fire that once burned within us.

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  • Christ And Analogy


    As one of the pillars of the nouvelle theologie movement, a main influence upon the Second Vatican Council, and one of the few figures to complete a full-scale multi-volume systematics, Hans Urs von Balthasar is undoubtedly one of the towering figures of twentieth-century theology. Until now, the structural undergirding of von Balthasar’s main contribution, a weighty 15-volume, three-part “triptych” dogmatics, has not been assessed. In this volume, the author presents an analysis of von Balthasar’s work in dogmatics and provides the structural linchpin for understanding the whole of this massive (and massively important) systematic theology by reconstructing the metaphysics of von Balthasar. Taking the person of Jesus Christ as the metaphysical starting point, the project highlights the fundamental connections to key doctrinal, historical, and philosophical issues. This is a critical volume for professors, scholars, and students in systematic theology, philosophical theology, and the study of twentieth-century Catholic and Protestant theology and history.

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  • Good Pope : The Making Of A Saint And The Remaking Of The Church The Story


    On the fiftieth anniversary of Pope John XXIII’s opening of the Vatican Council II in October 1962 and of his death in June 1963, as well as for his likely canonization in 2013, Greg Tobin celebrates the “Good Pope” as a profile of a greatly beloved religious figure who ushered in an era of hope and openness; and it is this “openness” that powerful internal forces have been battling ever since, causing many of the Catholic crises we see today.

    This profile examines Pope John XXIII, the “Good Pope,” as a greatly beloved figure who ushered in an era of hope and openness in the Catholic church. Had the Good Pope’s reforms been accepted, the church could have avoided many of crises associated with it today.

    Fifty years after he convened the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII remains one of the most beloved and remarkable figures in the history of the Catholic Church. Affectionately known as Il Buono Papa, or the Good Pope, John is remembered today by Catholics and non-Catholics alike as an enduring symbol of peace, ecumenicalism, and Christian spirituality. In The Good Pope, Greg Tobin recounts John’s remarkable story, from his impoverished childhood in Bergamo, Italy, and his successful tenure as a papal ambassador in war-torn Europe to his surprise ascendancy to the throne of St. Peter. In the process, he traces John’s legacy as the spiritual father of the modern Church and explains why the Good Pope and his great council are as vital, vibrant, and important to Catholicism as ever before. Meticulously researched and engaging, The Good Pope captures the heart, soul, and spirit of the man who ushered in a new era of religion in the twentieth century.

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  • Morning Prayers For Children


    This lightweight Angel-shaped book will add meaning and delight when children pray when they first wake up. The sweet animals that fill the pages will draw in children and help them look forward to saying their prayers.

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  • Atchison Blue : A Search For Silence A Spiritual Home And A Living Faith


    In this meditative spiritual memoir, Judith Valente, noted PBS religion journalist and acclaimed poet, invites readers along on her transformative pilgrimages to Mount St. Scholastica monastery in Atchison, Kansas. The Benedictine sisters who invited Valente presented her with a view of monastic life and wisdom that brought spiritual healing to her fast-paced life-and promises to do the same for her readers.

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  • By What Authority


    In this newly updated, expanded version of his popular work of apologetics, Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of “sola scriptura” (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in Divine Revelation.

    Tracing his own journey of intellectual and spiritual awakening, Shea begins by looking for a rejoinder to those modern-day false prophets who would claim that Scripture itself is not to be trusted, and ends with his conviction that tradition, as explained by the Catholic Church, is the only sure guarantee of the truth of the revelation of Jesus Christ.

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  • Cinco Preguntas De Nuestra Fe (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    No matter who you are or where you are in your faith journey-cradle Catholic, newly converted, or beginning a search for new faith roots -this program has much to offer. Composed of simple, brief overviews, the 5 W’s looks at the basic tenets of the Catholic faith: the Church, your faith journey, scripture, Jesus Christ, the sacraments, Christian living, and prayer. Each book of this 3-part program contains 10 easy-to-use sessions bringing participants to a deeper level of knowledge and understanding about the Catholic faith. The approach used in this series touches on critical themes and topics in a concise and engaging manner, and offers questions for further reflection and/or discussion. This final book concludes the faith building experience with the voices of well-known authors who are experts in their field on the key topics of the Catholic faith explored throughout the series.

    In addition to the complete participant lessons, the Leader’s Guides include practical information for preparing and facilitating a session and group discussion. Each lesson also includes: supporting references from the Catechism of the Catholic Church other recommended resources guidelines for preparation opening/closing prayers suggested hymns/songs and scripture readings additional questions for reflection The Catholic faith is a multi-faceted jewel. Be open to discovering the richness of Catholicism.

    Let The 5 W’s deepen your faith, illuminate your wisdom, and comfort your soul as you journey closer to Christ. Whoever you are and in whatever way you use this book to take a deeper journey into the Catholic faith, you take with you the wisdom of many fellow travelers with years of experience and insight.

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  • Chesterton Is Everywhere


    With the wit and style of G. K. Chesterton, D. W. Fagerberg serves a series of perceptive and entertaining essays organized around themes intrinsic to daily life: happiness, the ordinary home, social reform, Catholicism, and transcendent truths.

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  • Catholicity Of Reason


    An original argument for the recovery of a robust notion of reason and truth in response to modern rationalism and postmodern skepticism

    The Catholicity of Reason explains the “grandeur of reason,” the recollection of which Benedict XVI has presented as one of the primary tasks in Christian engagement with the contemporary world.

    While postmodern thinkers — religious and secular alike — have generally sought to respond to the hubris of Western thought by humbling our presumptuous claims to knowledge, D. C. Schindler shows in this book that only a robust confidence in reason can allow us to remain genuinely open both to God and to the deep mystery of things. Drawing from both contemporary and classical theologians and philosophers, Schindler explores the basic philosophical questions concerning truth, knowledge, and being — and proposes a new model for thinking about the relationship between faith and reason.

    The reflections brought together in this book bring forth a dramatic conception of human knowing that both strengthens our trust in reason and opens our mind in faith.

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  • Sign Of The Gospel


    The theology of the sacraments is one of the most contested parts in Barth’s theology, none more so than the doctrine of baptism. Barth’s proposals on baptism have generated intense conversation and disagreement, not only on its application to Protestant and ecumenical theology but even on its own consistency with Barth’s larger dogmatic project. McMaken takes up this controversial question, sets it in its proper context within the history of doctrine and Barth’s systematic work, and argues for a constructive reclamation of infant baptism that accords with Barth’s overarching theological concerns and insights, notably from Barth’s mature theological commitments. Pivotally, this volume claims that a reorientation of the doctrine of baptism opens up a new perspective on the practice of infant baptism on the basis of Barth’s theology; this new perspective, as well, holds the potential for wide, ecumenical application as a form of the proclamation of the gospel and a vital dimension of the church’s missional vocation. A commanding volume for scholars and students in systematic theology, ecumenical studies, and sacramental theology.

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  • Early Arabic Christian Contributions To Trinitarian Theology


    The doctrine of the Trinity is the keystone of Christian faith and teaching, yet most of the secondary accounts on the development of this crucial doctrine do not extend beyond Nicaea and pay scant attention to vital cultural traffic. In this volume, the author examines the exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity in a set of texts from key Arabic Christian thinkers from the eighth and ninth centuries and demonstrates that fresh thinking of this cornerstone doctrine occurred in the new context of a regnant Islamic culture; in this context, Christian theologians discovered the salience of the Nicene doctrine while engaging a new religious partner. The author provides an overlooked angle on the history of Trinitarian theology and brings attention to several profound Christian figures rarely found in Western accounts.

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  • Prayer : Our Deepest Longing


    Prayer: Our Deepest Longing looks at the issues facing people of faith in today’s culture, and offers a way of more effectively dealing with them by seeking out opportunities for prayer. With simple, down-to-earth language, Rolheiser illustrates the importance of prayer and offers techniques on how to pray, using examples from daily life, Scripture, and contemporary writers. He delves into the places that we fear to go with our issues about prayer, encouraging us with gentle kindness and words of hope and inspiration.

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  • Art Of Caring For The Sick


    Offers perspectives through which readers can have a better understanding of the complex world of health, suffering, dying and death. The author’s input treats of prevention, care and rehabilitation all within a Christian and biblical context. The content is developed in the form of workbook, with exercises, pastoral dialogues to analyze and case studies.

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  • Listen To Your Blessed Mother


    Mary, the mother of Jesus, is recorded minimally in Scripture. Yet her words are filled with significance and rich meaning that can easily be misunderstood or misinterpreted by untrained hearers. Have you doubted Mary’s role in God’s plan based on the words of Scripture? Would you like to understand more fully what is intended when Jesus’ reaction is unexpected in relation to his Mother?

    Gary Zimak explores both the spoken and unspoken words that Mary is recorded to have said and acted upon in the gospel narratives. The Word of God reaps manifold fruits in those who hear. Are we able to listen and understand the words of Mary in Scripture with open hearts?

    Our Lady is a woman of few words, but when pondering with our hearts, we begin to understand that wisdom often begins in silence.

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  • Advent Of Christ


    Perhaps the Christmas story has become almost too familiar. A virgin giving birth. A child laid in a manger. Shepherds greeted by angels. The Christmas story has become so familiar that the profound, even shocking, nature of the incarnation might be overlooked. But what if we had never heard the story before? What if we were hearing it for the first time, like the first-century Jews? These events certainly would not be taken for granted-they would signal something new: the dawning of the long-awaited Messiah.

    This Advent, put yourself in that ancient Jewish world. Containing an entry for each day of Advent and continuing through the Christmas season, Dr. Ted Sri will help you to discover spiritual treasures in the Gospels and gain a new understanding of the coming of Christ.

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  • Sisterhood Of Saints


    For Catholics, the saints are arguably our best role models for holy living. In this page-a-day book for women, Melanie Rigney gives us a wellspring of interesting and diverse female saints who aptly show the way to be better disciples of Christ. Through their lives and experiences, we find examples of how to meet the challenges of daily life, be strengthened in our faith, and, in the process, become the people God created us to be. You ll meet saints who may be familiar to you, such as Teresa of Avila, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Monica, Lucy, Agnes, and Katharine Drexel. With them, there are others less familiar, and many whom you will not have known before: Cunegund, Mechtildis of Edelstetten, Hildegard, Mary Magdalen Postel, Rose of Viterbo, Anna Pak A-gi of Korea, and Mary Faustina Kowalska.

    Each day, you ll find:
    *A brief bio of the saint
    *A reflection on how that saint s life applies to our lives today
    *A quote either from Scripture, the saint herself, or a resource about the saint
    *A challenge that echoes a particular highlight of the saint.

    Some of the women featured in this book are blesseds, but most are saints. All of them will inspire and guide you with their faithful witness to the love of God and a Gospel way of life.

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  • City Of God 11-22


    Along with his Confessions, The City of God is undoubtedly St. Augustine’s most influential work. In the context of what begins as a lengthy critique of classic Roman religion and a defense of Christianity, Augustine touches upon numerous topics, including the role of grace, the original state of humanity, the possibility of waging a just war, the ideal form of government, and the nature of heaven and hell. But his major concern is the difference between the City of God and the City of Man – one built on love of God, the other on love of self. One cannot but be moved and impressed by the author’s breadth of interest and penetrating intelligence. For all those who are interested in the greatest classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God is indispensible.

    This long-awaited translation by William Babcock is published in two volumes, with an introduction and annotation that make Augustine’s monumental work approachable. Books 11-22 offer Augustine’s Christian view of history, including the Christian view of human destiny. The INDEX for Books 1-22 (both volumes of The City of God) is contained in this edition.

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  • Body You Have Prepared For Me


    While all of the New Testament writings offer windows into the personal religious experiences of their authors, says Kevin McCruden, the Letter to the Hebrews affords us a truly exquisite example of a particularly creative interpretation of such religious experience. It also supplies us with something all too rare in many of the documents of the New Testament: a glimpse into the personal experiences of the ancient persons who first heard this text.

    Partially obscured beneath the author’s characteristic emphasis on the superiority of transcendent realities is the indelible imprint of the real-life experiences of early Christians who suffered emotionally and physically for the countercultural commitment that they placed in Jesus. For such persons, Hebrews vividly celebrates the unseen vindication of Jesus and, in this way, provides a hope-filled portrait of the victorious Son of God. At the same time, Hebrews is also very much concerned with what we might call the life of Christian discipleship-that is, what it means to journey this side of the age to come in a manner that is faithful to the countercultural character of God’s kingdom embodied by Jesus. This brief study will help illumine for readers something of this creative balance between the transcendent and the concrete that Hebrews illustrates so well.

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  • Letters To The Corinthians


    Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians reads like a letter from a concerned parent who wishes to share wisdom-and a warning-with his or her children. For Paul has received some disturbing news about the people he knows well and loves. Therefore, this first letter reflects Paul’s own suffering as well as his desire to have the Corinthians change their ways.

    As Paul continues his Second Letter to the Corinthians, his words express many different emotions. One might even break the letter down into sections that give an image of Paul as a man who is angry, compassionate, forgiving, loving, and sorrowful. In this second letter we are provided a glimpse of the passion of Paul, a man with many moods and emotions.

    As you study these letters written by St. Paul, the church of Corinth exemplifies the fact that arguments have always existed among the people of God. Though these arguments are familiar to the Christian journey, we are reminded in these letters that the Holy Spirit is with us and will work through us-and that our deepest call is to love God and one another.

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  • Faith Understood : An Introduction To Catholic Theology


    Discover the basic principles of authentic biblical interpretation. Learn why the Magisterium, the official teaching authority of the Church, is indispensable for correctly interpreting the Bible and the writings of the Church fathers, doctors, and saints. Find out why Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium are the only three legs of the theological tripod that preserves the whole truth about God. See why faith and reason, science and theology, the natural and the supernatural are always agreeable. Explore the Incarnation and its primary Christological heresies that threatened the early Church. Unlock one of the most misunderstood areas of Catholic theology in the person of Mary. Unravel the mystery of eschatology–the “last things”–judgment, purgatory, hell, and heaven. Great for college students, adult faith formation programs, and motivated Catholics aspiring to learn more about their faith.

    Imprimatur given by Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas.

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  • Decline And Fall Of The Catholic Church In America


    The Roots of the Crisis That’s Rocked the Pulpits and Emptied the Pews Many Catholics blame Vatican II for the decline of the Church in America these past 30 years: traditionalists say it caused too many changes, liberals say too few.

    In this groundbreaking book, sociologist David Carlin shows that although Vatican II was the flashpoint for change in the Church, the roots of today’s crisis go deeper than anything that happened at the Council.

    Basing his conclusions on sociological analysis rather than on theology or Church teachings, Carlin shows that in the 1960’s the Church in America was weakened by the triumph of tolerance as an American virtue (which led Catholics to downplay their uniquely Catholic beliefs for the sake of unity) and then was battered by a culture that, seemingly overnight, had become boldly secularist and even libertine.

    Called by Vatican II to engage the culture in order to evangelize it, while pressed by the culture to downplay its Catholicity in the name of tolerance, the Church in America lost its way.

    The result? A widespread loss of Catholic identity; weakening of fidelity to Church teachings; Catholics abandoning their faith; and a diminishment of the Church’s role as a moral voice in American society.

    Carlin’s analysis has uncovered a problem that’s older and even more dangerous for the future of Catholicism than the deeds that have lately thrust the Church onto the front pages. Indeed, says Carlin, the scandals are merely symptoms of this deeper problem that will continue to drain the Church’s vitality long after the scandals are forgotten.

    The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America: essential reading for all who seek to understand the decline of their beloved Church and who hope to devise effective ways to restore her.

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  • Living The Good Life


    Living the Good Life presents a brief introduction to virtue and vice, self-control and weakness, misery and happiness. The book contrasts the thought of Aquinas with popular views, such as moral relativism, values clarification, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, and situation ethics. Following the Socratic dictum “know thyself,” Steven J. Jensen investigates the interior workings of the human mind, revealing the interplay of reason, will, and emotions. According to Aquinas, in a healthy ethical life, reason guides the emotions and will to the true human good. In an unhealthy life, emotional impulses distort the vision of reason, entrapping one in futile pursuits. In the human struggle to gain self-mastery, a person must overcome the capricious desires that enslave him to false goods.

    Jensen ably guides readers through Aquinas’s philosophy and explains the distinction between the moral and intellectual virtues. The moral virtues train our various desires toward the true good, helping us discard our misguided cravings and teaching us to enjoy what is truly worth pursuing. The virtue of justice directs our hearts to the good of others, freeing us from egoism in order to seek a good shared with others. The intellectual virtues train the mind toward the truth, so that we can find fulfillment in human understanding. Most important, the virtue of prudence directs our deliberations to discover the true path of

    Intended as a text for students, beginners of philosophy will gain access to a key aspect of Aquinas’s thought, namely, that true happiness is realized not in the animal life of passion and greed but only in the reasonable pursuit of human goods, in which we find true peace and rest from the distractions of this world.

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  • Padre Pio


    Blessed Padre Pio, humble peasant and world-famous stigmatist, spoke simple words of Christian encouragement and inspiration to all who approached him seeking counsel. This biographical sketch and collection of memorable sayings is a compact and accessible introduction to the life and message of one of the great religious figures of the 20th century.

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  • Reading The Saints


    Biblio Resource Publications Inc
    This valuable workbook for Catholic home educators, classroom teachers, and collectors of Catholic juvenile books will help you discover living books from such popular out-of-print Catholic juvenile series as Catholic Treasury, Vision, and American Background as well as current series books for young Catholics. Use this book to find 1) More than 1,250 Catholic books listed by author, series, reading level, century, and geographical location; 2) Almost 300 different authors of saint biographies, historical fiction, and poetry written for Catholic juvenile readers; 3) Hundreds of age-appropriate, living books to enrich your study of the Catholic Church’s rich heritage of saints and notable Catholic historical figures; 4) Publishers of Catholic children’s books, past and present; 5) Helpful advice for collecting and caring for used books; 6) Information on how to build and maintain your own library of Catholic juvenile books; 7) Inspiring quotations about book collecting, reading, and the love of books; and, 8) The latest in Catholic saint biographies as updated in this 2013 Second Edition.
    If you love books and the Catholic Faith, you will love this essential resource!

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  • Joseph : The Man Who Raised Jesus


    Who was St. Joseph? Was he just a passive, incidental figure in the drama of salvation? On the contrary, in every way that Jesus needed a father, St. Joseph was that for him. And how overwhelming it must have been for Joseph to be asked to stand in the Father’s place! No man has ever been asked to do so in such an unthinkable way. Every priest, and certainly every man who is a father (biologically or otherwise), should take this to heart.

    Caster’s book will provide a unique, in-depth presentation of Joseph from the perspective of the evangelical counsels and the theological and cardinal virtues. Each section will begin with an explanation of what each counsel or virtue means and then show how Joseph models it for us.

    The descriptions of St. Joseph’s life and character found in this book, while rooted in the Scripture passages that mention him, are chiefly inspired by Jesus, who spent the majority of his life at home with Joseph and Mary. For years, the three of them lived, prayed, celebrated, studied, and shared, all the while uniting their lives more intimately with God’s own. Those years in Nazareth were a real preparation for the foundation upon which Jesus would build his saving ministry. And as much as Joseph and Mary offered Jesus, he offered them an ever-expanding awareness of the God that had changed both their lives. The reciprocity of love that perfectly defines the home in Nazareth is the very pattern for all family life-and therefore of the Church itself.

    Let Fr. Gary Caster introduce you to the man who risked everything to care for Mary and her Son, safeguarding them from harm and cherishing them with a pure and true love. Joseph was a flesh-and-blood testimony of what it means to live according to the Father’s will with one’s mind and heart centered on Christ.

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  • Winning The Battle Against Sin


    What is sin, why did it happen, and how can we overcome it? Popular EWTN host and speaker Fr. Mitch Pacwa uses his extensive knowledge of the Scriptures to take us on a tour of the Bible to help us understand sin and why we need Jesus in our lives.

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  • Redemption : Twelve Readings From The Monks Of Estillyen


    Port Estillyen Productions
    REDEMPTION is a companion book to The Point: The Redemption of Oban Ironbout. The work is set on the metaphorical Isle of Estillyen, where creative monks stage dramatic readings of biblical stories. In The Point, the readings were presented in synopsis form. Now readers can delve into the twelve Scripture narratives as they were originally given by the monks of Estillyen. Richly inspiring, this unique volume promises to draw readers closer to the theme of redemption-and to the Redeemer himself. The story beckons. Life it gives. Redemption it offers.

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  • Rule Of Saint Basil In Latin And English Revised Critical Edition


    Basil of Caesarea (AD 329-78), called “the Great” by later generations, was one of the fourth century’s greatest theologians and pastors. His influence on the foundation of monastic life was enormous.

    As he toured the early ascetic communities, members would ask Basil about various aspects of living the Gospel life. Their questions and Basil’s replies were taken down by tachygraphers and eventually became the Small Asketikon, first published in 366. The Regula Basilii is a Latin translation of this work, done by Rufinus of Aquileia in 397. It is one of the major sources of the Rule of Saint Benedict, and Benedict recommends it to zealous monks, calling it “the rule of our holy father Basil.”

    This volume represents a new Latin edition, translated and annotated in English by Anna M. Silvas. It is based on the Latin text Basili Regula-A Rufino Latine Versa from Klaus Zelzer: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastricoum Latinorum, Vol. 86. It also includes three extra questions and answers that survive only in the Syriac translation. Silvas balances masterfully between the rigors of academic research and the interests of an intelligent, non-specialist readership. This volume promises to become an indispensable resource in understanding both the history and the spirituality of monastic life.

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  • Word Made Love


    From scholarly monographs to papal homilies, Joseph Ratzinger has insisted consistently over decades that Christianity is not a set of ideas to believe or, even less, moral laws to follow. Rather, Christianity is about a person and our encounter with that person.

    In The Word Made Love, Christopher Collins identifies in the structure of Ratzinger’s thought the presentation of God as one who speaks and who ultimately speaks Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Humanity’s posture before God is one of hearing and responding. For Ratzinger, then, dialogue is the basic structure of all reality, and the Christian vision articulates the radical transformation that happens when we enter into this divine dialogue. Collins argues that this dialogical, communicative structure is a distinctive aspect of Ratzinger’s thought and a unique contribution to the renewal of theology in our day.

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  • When The Gospel Grows Feet


    The Salvadoran priest Rutilio Grande, SJ, was killed in a hail of bullets on March 12, 1977, along with two passengers in the car he drove. The impact of this killing transformed his friend and archbishop, Oscar Romero, as well as the church in Latin America and throughout the world.

    How could powerful forces within the overwhelmingly Catholic country of El Salvador execute a Roman Catholic priest and two innocent people in broad daylight in front of witnesses? Why would this same government go to the extreme of murdering thousands of lay Catholic ministers, dozens of priests, and even the nation’s archbishop? Why would the government, and the oligarchy that supported it, believe it necessary to repress the church in such a brutal manner?

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  • Secular Music And Sacred Theology


    When the basic conceptions of the world held by whole generations in the West are formed by popular culture, and in particular by the music that serves as its soundtrack, can theology remain unchanged? The authors of the essays in this important volume insist that the answer is no.

    These gifted theologians help readers make sense of what happens to religious experience in a world heavily influenced by popular media culture, a world in which songs, musicians, and celebrities influence our individual and collective imaginations about how we might live. Readers will consider the theological relationship between music and the creative process, investigate ways that music helps create communities of heightened moral consciousness, and explore the theological significance of songs.

    Contributors to this fascinating collection include:

    *David Dault
    *Maeve Heaney
    *Daniel White Hodge
    *Michael J. Iafrate
    *Jeffrey F. Keuss
    *Mary McDonough
    *Gina Messina-Dysert
    *Christian Scharen
    *Myles Werntz

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  • Wallking The Disciples Path


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594713682ISBN10: 1594713685Linda RooneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2013Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Home Heaven And Hitlers Hell


    In spite of all the stories about Germany during Hitler’s heyday, virtually nothing has been written about the 105 Marian Apparitions that occurred from 1937 – 1940. The sightings happened in Heede, a village close to the Dutch border and less than twenty miles from the birthplace of author Hans Rolfes. Totally unexpected, not unlike what took place in Lourdes, the sightings were seen by four local girls. This raised the ire in Berlin to such an extent that the girls, then 11 to 13, were placed in a mental institution and a hospital for ten weeks. Hitler’s obsessive interest was the industrial behemoth Krupp and its nearby firing range, where the “Big Bertha” rattled dishes in the author’s home as it threw one-ton shells airborne. The events in Heede, so good, so pure, so hard-to-explain had no value for him. Today he and his ilk are gone, but tens of thousands of Christians flock annually to the area. The veil of silence surrounding Heede was lifted only recently, with its official recognition as a Marian Prayer Site. Many more events are described, including the author’s unbelievable experience when he and other boys investigated an Allied bomb that suddenly, precipitously, exploded…. Hans G. Rolfes is a retired professional engineer who lives in Westchester, N.Y. He was a senior consultant for General Foods for a quarter century-the basis for his book, General Foods, America’s Premier Food Company. He has visited and studied at the apparition site in Heede, Germany, many times.

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  • Home Heaven And Hitlers Hell


    In spite of all the stories about Germany during Hitler’s heyday, virtually nothing has been written about the 105 Marian Apparitions that occurred from 1937 – 1940. The sightings happened in Heede, a village close to the Dutch border and less than twenty miles from the birthplace of author Hans Rolfes. Totally unexpected, not unlike what took place in Lourdes, the sightings were seen by four local girls. This raised the ire in Berlin to such an extent that the girls, then 11 to 13, were placed in a mental institution and a hospital for ten weeks. Hitler’s obsessive interest was the industrial behemoth Krupp and its nearby firing range, where the “Big Bertha” rattled dishes in the author’s home as it threw one-ton shells airborne. The events in Heede, so good, so pure, so hard-to-explain had no value for him. Today he and his ilk are gone, but tens of thousands of Christians flock annually to the area. The veil of silence surrounding Heede was lifted only recently, with its official recognition as a Marian Prayer Site. Many more events are described, including the author’s unbelievable experience when he and other boys investigated an Allied bomb that suddenly, precipitously, exploded…. Hans G. Rolfes is a retired professional engineer who lives in Westchester, N.Y. He was a senior consultant for General Foods for a quarter century-the basis for his book, General Foods, America’s Premier Food Company. He has visited and studied at the apparition site in Heede, Germany, many times.

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  • Saint Francis Of Assisi


    St. Francis of Assisi is one of the best-known and best-loved of all the saints. This classic work puts the him in the context of his historical setting and his spiritual influences. Inspired by a deep and simple love, Francis abandoned his fortune and chose to live simply. His love for Jesus Christ, his love for animals, and his love for nature continue to inspire many to this day.

    This version has been redesigned for a modern audience who wish to continue to connect to this simple man of Assisi.

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